Top row is maxed. All thoughts comments remarks opinions are welcome. Thanks in advance.
Nice line up!
I can see an advantage in Inari or Neith. Inari would be fun to play with on offense and I hate Neith on defense teams. You’ve got plenty of nice snipers already so Bai would be redundant at this point.
Care to donate your 2nd Neith and Poseidon? LOL.
I would do Neith unless you have some minion makers to play with Delilah
Without knowing the rest other color, if you need healer, Delilah is great choice… I have both Vivica without costume maxxed and Deililah, both are great.
If focus Titan for tile damage, then Inari is great…
For depth war bench,… 2nd Poseidon, 2nd Malosi.
Btw, now is Shiloh,… I also have a problem choices… I’ll create a new thread for me as well.
Depends do you play Mono , 4+1, 3+2 ?
If 3+2 you should do Malosi.
You already have Gazelle, Joon, Malosi for one team.
Your second team could be Sif, Poseidon, Malosi .
Tough call. 3 hitters in Poseidon, Malosi and Joon. 3 healer/utility types in CosViv, Sif and Gazelle. Gotta break a tie. Another hitter would be Bai Yeong for me. Another healer/utility would be either Delilah or Guin, but I can see why some would choose Neith.
Like I said…tough call
Nice relies so far. There was some inquiry into my other colours so I’ll share a bunch of them below.
Every 3* and 4* as well. 3 jackals 2 of them have 20 nodes but I’ll strip one when I find the tonics to finish Frigg.
For the question whether I mono 4/1 or 3/2 I do it all actually. I only ever fight green war tanks so I’m not too interested in making 2 different teams with holy as the primary stack unless they are just that effective, but I’ve typically been using 2 fire based teams and one for each other colour. That way I can raid any tank I come across easily enough without making up new teams heh, and test my war teams while I’m at it. I’ve been looking to rebuild my holy team lately as even though the tiles are super strong, the heroes are pretty fragile and the only healing (Viv) is slow mana so I’m very much at the mercy of the boards with it despite a decent win rate. Going to change it up but not sure to what. I’ve been playing around with it a bit. Gazelle is paired with Woolerton as the secondary stack in a different team and is so effective that I’d be very reluctant to mess with that. But ehh maybe.
Delilah. Easy choice here IMO.
You have lots of Great Heroes . Wondering typically how many pulls do you make per event to get those ? Thanks. I have a pretty big monthly budget but still miss on many of those Heroes. Thanks
I don’t track pull counts as much as I probably should. I’m sure you have some pretty nice heroes yourself though. Keep at it and you’ll get there.
In other words: a lot!!!
So I’ve ruled out Delilah I think. She kind of needs emblems to shine imo and I have a ton of fighters fighting for them (see what I did fhere). Inari and Neith are probably front runners I guess it will depend on what my holy stack settles into. I’ll be able to have another set of darts ready by the time Odin Thor etc are available.
If Delilah is out I’d go with Musashi. He has excellent tile damage and frankly is better than Inari and Neith.
I’d go for Neith or Delilah. But you also mentioned eliminating Delilah. And yet, seeing Telluria/Delilah/Freya on the same chart does put a smile on my face…
(Further note: I have Neith, and I don’t actually think she’s one of the best. But everyone else’s jobs are already covered, and Neith has a unique form of battle harassment to bring to the table. She’d look to me like some other tool in the shed that I might not make much use of, but I’d rather have an unused magnifying glass than a 4th sledge hammer.)
Meh, I have Neith ascended and she doesn’t get much use. I’d go Musashi probably