What is Wanted: Heroes?

What does “Wanted: Heroes” refer to? I’m not sure which enemy you need to defeat to get a higher rarity of the treasure chest, so please let me know.

This is just another name for the raid chest.


The Arena level is dependent on the number of cups you have.
You are currently in Platinum (1800+ cups) with 1909 cups. To get to the next level, Diamond, you need to reach 2400+ cups. The higher the arena, the higher chance of better rewards when you open the raid chest.

You earn cups by raiding against other players’ defenses. The cups you gain when you win depends on the difference between your cups and the defense player’s.

If you attack a player with more cups than you, then you get more (30+) when you win. You will also lose fewer cups if you lose.
Attack a defense with lower cups than you will give you fewer cups (<30), but also penalize you more if you lose. So try and target defenses with higher cups.


@Liam_K explained exactly how it goes and what to do. Just adding the picture for a better view:

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The problem has been solved.
Thank you very much.
There was a translation error so there was no need for alternative names, so I hope that such confusing things won’t happen again in the future.

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