I need your help in deciding which heroes to ascend and your recommendation on the order to ascend the heroes. I would also like to hear your opinion on any heroes that you would leave as-is and not waste anymore resources leveling or ascending. Below is my entire roster of 4* and 5* heroes and unless noted, I have material to ascend any hero. I am in a Alliance and play all events. Thanks in advance for your help.
I’d finish Justice, at least to 3/70 while you waited for darts on like @Killen-time said take Hu Tao as far as you can as well. Maybe you could finish him while you waited for darts for Justice.
Marjanna and Magni for sure. I wouldn’t take Justice past 3/70. I would hold out fir better yellow and green. Grimm is a high hit on offense. Might consider Sabina to fully ascend as a healer that duspels buffs. Very useful to ascend
Rigard, tibs and li get my vote for other 4s to max… Colen if your still waiting on rings. And dupe of Mel wouldn’t be bad as you’re waiting for a better 5 green.
Finish any hero on last tier. Hu to 3/60. (Pretty much what @Killen-time said)