Cant seem to win with my war defence

Honestly at a loss on how to organise and who to run, i try make my heros best for the war type and i Honestly dont feel like i have terrible heros for a mostly ftp player.

Any advice from vets on best setup?

Better heros i have leveled are:
Hurricane, diaochan, R&N, winifred all 2lb .
Toxicandra, heimdall with C, R&N, grimble, onatel, saorise, frya, skarg, P.frog, malosi all LB.

I obviously have some 4*s and costumes though i dont feel theyd be as good? But stuff like kiril, gullin, waddles, xia dun, cademon are all 2lb with costumes.

Any idea what to run not to be 1hit each war? I tend to do just fine on attacks but no idea how to improve my defence. (All troops are magic 27-30, one per colour)

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Tough to say, because there are 4 different types of war. Purple - Hurricane and Diaochan are both great on defense, even as tanks. Yellow - not a fan of any on defense honestly, LB2 Waddles stands out. Blue - Xia dun is great for Minion minions wars and Kiril’s second costume LB2 is good for the others. Green - Winifred amazing on rush. good on other two but I also like Toxicandra and C2 Caedemon. Red is easy - R&N is solid.



Diochan tank, Hurricane and Toxi either side, Roughian and Wini on wings? Sounds like an ok set up to me.

How do you place amongst your teammates for general power? If you are at the bottom end of your team, youre likely playing other teams who are more powerful in general :man_shrugging:


Solid advice from @Chadmo & @Pr0spero :+1:

I don’t have Winni, she would be really good in rush along with c heimdal. I have heimbal on the left wing on rush D and another healer either on right flank or right wing in case he revives and the other healer can top up can be annoying to an attacker. R&N is good mana control, Diaochan fast heal and buff steal toxicandra’ nice cleanse. Hurricane Freya all pretty good

Seems like a solid D. Could be like @Pr0spero said that you may be playing teams more powerful in general?


Also, if you let us know what color tank you have we can give more detailed suggestions.

Try from left to right:

Toxicandra-R&N-Hurricane-Frog Prince-Waddles

Happy gaming


Healer as tank and flank? Never tried that thought that wouldnt do as well as i always find tank healers the easier ones to take down (current war had a full 3kingdoms team with diaochan tank and it allowed me to charge up my heros without too much threat and then hit hard) but if you think i could work i can try it.

As for position its hard to say, id say people tend to have better heros in the roster but i do better? I guess just of heros owned maybe 8-15/30 place but score wise im usually 1-5th on my team.


Tank doesn’t matter, im the alliance leader and say best defense but purple if possible, though im currently doing heim C, hurricane, wini, diaochan, R&N

I run two healers (Myoin Ni and Phenexa) in my defence. I use Waterpipe as my tank mostly, Hippo and Hurricane to do the damage. You could always try healers either side of Hurricane as tank.


I also tend to run 2 healers, one edge and one flank (opposite sides) and those are two solid healers you have! Will it matter both of mine are base healers and not health boosters?

Next war is attack barrage so extra heals is always nice, just dont want my damage to be lacking and them build up specials as i have less hitters going off

War defenses that give me the most heartburn. Are those with healers on both flanks. If you bust there tank its difficult to ghost tiles down there center without triggering there healers. There wings are usually fast mana heavy damage dealers. To add it’s even more challenging if there healers also do damage or some other crippling effect. I try and build my defenses the same way. Most folks are hell bent on taking out the tank first for some reason. Typically I run a heavy damage type tank ala Hurricane. They knock my tank out fairly early. As long as my flanks are shielding my fast wings then I can usually expect to absorb a few of there flags. Remember there’s always a ‘technician’ in your opponents warband that can be sent in to dismantle the best defenses

This war I’m running Darkfeather and Shaal as my flanks. Gestalts my tank with Frond and Gealach out on my wings. What’s happening is that they’re knocking out Gestalt then trying to ghost down the center. And that’s the setup

I run two healers on my defense. Phenexa left flank and Max tank. Keeps me in the 2600 to 2800 cup range. Seems to work fine.

Tank’s shouldn’t punish, they should buy your team time. That’s why there are many healer, mana booster or crippler tanks. Your flanks and wings do the punishing. Damage dealer tank is not good as healer tank, imo. “Tank buys time, flanks put pressure, wings destroy” is my team synergy.

I’d prefer all of my defense to punish. Worst tanks imho are those that are passive types. After checking my Gestalt war tank it had soaked up 12 flags for 2 kills. That’s pretty decent

So I have been using Ludwig as my tank and Diachan in LFlank… should I switch it up? Using Neema, Goldie and Erlang as well. All 2lb but Neema and Erlang just Lb.

How about troops? What kind and at what level? They can make the biggest difference.

I use Ludwig as my tank, he is passive but gives mana to the flanks.

The team I used on D in our last undead horde war burned opponents 6 flags. First 5 flags they got 0 then they sent in the “technician” and I got torn a new one :laughing:

Gestalt tank with darkfeather and ghaal flank is a nastry trio! Glad you did well in your war!

Sadly mine didnt do so well, i got 1 0point and the rest was 1hit, really not sure how to place mine to always guarantee a harder time. Next war is barrage so was thinking heim C, hurricane, wini, kiril, R&N but honestly not sure lol

I never find him much of a threat, being slow there are many heros which can just counter him on fast, malosi for example makes it easy.

I guess its why im always worried about setting a passive or healer as tank as i feel they can be quite easily countered or dont punish fast enough