Title says most of it. Go for Vela as well as trying for MN , Santa and buddy or wait for springvale for an unknown hotm and the rabbits aren’t great though I would use lepus.
I could use Vela though I have all the s1 4,5 except Thorne and I also have Triton. She would be nice for free esp w MN
Waiting gets a shot at rabbits but an unknown hotm as jf and telly will be done by April. Given the path of creep though I am leaning towards waiting but that means no shot at MN though I know the odds even with a bunch of EHT
I did pull Grimble with pixie so maybe my hotm luck is done. Help…
After doing summons on the allheroes.eu site I was reminded how low the odds are. Though I did a 10x in guardians simulated and got jackal, panther and falcon. Can I just tell sg and get the simulated results…lol. if you haven’t been to the site give it a try, you can pull in any event or regular and Atlantis singles, 10 to 100. Nice reminder of the RNGrinder.
I vote for MN and Vela too. I did a ten pull on New Year’s Day trying for the same 2 you want, but really any Christmas heroes because I still hadn’t gotten any. I didn’t get MN or Vela, but I did get Rudolph, Buddy, Santa Claus, and Sartana! My best ten pull ever!
Congrats, sartana is one I still need and she is avoiding tc20. Got lianna, Joon x3 and magni x2 but no sartana or marjana . Plus have the other good 5s except leo and elk(meh).
Only thing is Vela hits softer than Kadilen by quite a bit , 150% on 743 vs 190% on 696 (I think those are right). Any hotm is free and if I got MN it’s great but I know the odds.
Looking at Feb,Mar, I wonder if the jump will continue to April or if it’ll be a niche type hero like Grimble. I skipped Halloween on Kingston(mistake ) thought I’d go for neith since my yellow needs more help though now I have 2 dupe joons I didn’t have then. Neith got squished so I waited and in grimforest I got Grimble with a coin pull so I decided to wait for Vela. The Christmas heroes are better than the rabbits too . Eventually I have to use them and like someone said I am basically deciding to get my dawas now or later…lol. sad but true. I did simulated pulls at allheroes.eu and in a 10x for Christmas I got buddy x2 and MN. In teltoc I got panther, falcon and jackal. Of course I also had tons of bad simulated pulls to remind me of that RNG .
I’d love MN or sartana/marjana but even a buddy would be nice. Glad you did ok but MN is evasive. Maybe next year ask Santa and be good maybe next Christmas!
Well April’s hotm is out it’s a yellow sniper that looks like a kunchen counter. I wanted neith for my yellows since I had lianna and Kingston was similar though I should have went for him. Neith w a mess but while Vela would be fine I could use another yellow besides Joon x 3(2 are still 1.1 from tc20 last month) and since leo won’t pop and I have Justice and Viv I think I’m waiting. Probably no MN anyhow so might as well get hotm that helps. Malosi is hotm name FYI. Not super but solid attacker.