I usually just pose these sorts of questions to my alliance mates, but they’re being slow to respond today, and I need to do something to help procrastinate from work, so: Are any of these heroes absolute MUST MAX status in your mind, regardless of other options? If so, why?
Frosth (I know I said “regardless of other options,” but in this case I feel it’s worth mentioning which other minio makers I’ve already maxed, given what he does: Bera, Freya, MN, and I guess Sesh and Davana count too? I’ve also got Noor and Santa at 3/70.)
Great question Greg. I’ll only put the ones I’d say are a must and why
Hannah - Fiends can really turn the tides in your favor on offense AND defense. I’d love having her.
Crystalis - She does a LOT. Fast, hits all, reduces buffs duration, frost damage and lower attack. Dude, she the swiss army knife of heroes. Like Jean Francios but a lot more useful
Right now I’m saying those 2 for sure. The other on the fence are Frosth…but depends on other minion makers. Vanda, better than Grazul because she does more than just block skills…but not imperative if you have graz. Rian, I want to say he’s a must but I need to see more videoson where’s he’s most useful.
I do not have Hannah, but I have Senan, I try a bit as he is not maxed yet, but I like Fiends generator that can damage every turn and eat with heal, Senan is slow, Hannah is fast Fiends generator, I can not imagine that… and Hannah’s Fiends does not only do damage, but also lowering attack.
She is fast hit-all, and attack down is so usefull in offense, I don’t have her, and currently I’m leveling Richard. I like scarlett and kingston so useful on my raid and war.
Vanda, if we have Grazul or Garnet, I think it is not must have anymore.
I agree with @Chadmo and @jinbatsu
I think it’s easier to say which heroes I don’t necessarily even desire: Chak, akkorog, Kong, Noor, Santa, red hood.
Everyone else I would level instantly if I got them.
One note on Frosthe. I think pairing him with another minion maker is overrated. In most cases you’d rather have two of the other minion maker the one and one frosth. I think frosth is best as a fast partial healer for blue mono and to get average heroes to fire their specials.
Must max = Hannah and Crystalis
Maybe = Rian (jury is still out, but I think this guy may be bumped to a must max too), Kong (good damage and a rare cleanse to all, but frail), Vanda (ailment block!), Frosth (pair with Bera/Freya and other blues), Yang Mai (best elemental link in the game like Frosth).
The others are very niche and could work for you depending on your needs.
In my honest opinion it depends who you can also pair these heroes with too.
But in my shoes I would have no hesitation in maxing out:
Then you have to ask yourself who gets the emblems, how many and do you want to give LBs to any of them?
Good luck
I don’t have a single one of those fake heroes So congrats on those mythical heroes. My only suggestion is focus on war def heroes first. I’m just here for distribution of and and sarcasm. I stick to my strengths
Thanks for the feedback everyone! Hannah was already likely to be my next maxed 5*, and this thread certainly helps solidify my thought there.
Surprised at all the love for Cyrstalis. I’m having a hard time getting past the idea that she’s a slightly different Vela, whom I don’t think is particularly special.
This is an interesting point. You don’t just throw him in there with a bunch of other minion makers and assume it’ll work, at least. I feel like Freya’s the obvious best synergy, but her synergy with Bera is even better since they’re the same color, and bringing all three of them seems like it’d be too minion heavy. Def have to think more about him.
The only one I find that’s worth to level is Hannah
If you have other minion spawners, then frosth is actually quite redundant. It’s only the elemental link he provides that could be useful. You need to use at least one more blue together with frosth, otherwise he’s usually more of a liability than an asset.
Yang mai works well too. Basically the ones with that elemental link would be worth maxing
I’m going to level my Chakky over my Hannah, once I have finished Elradir 2, Onatel, Bobo and LB D’Andre. But I usually do things that other people don’t. I think Chakky will be fun and will be a good fit on one of my Grimble teams particularly vs Bera and Sif/Odin teams, and will be super useful on VF stuff.
That said, if you want to go the normal “logic” path, then Hannah makes sense. The Hannahs that I faced in the bloody tournament have certainly been effective.
I am a fan of frosth and agree with others that his real value is that elemental link as part of a blue team. Note that he is the only fast hero among the mana-boosting HoTMs - the others are all average. And he is a rogue so you can take the mana node early meaning a lvl 23 + 8 emblems is alll you need to mana break him and reduce the charging speed to 7 tiles.
Normally I am not a fan on mono but have been having a lot of fun with a team of frosth misandra ariel miki and snow white. Those 7 tiles get frosth going and even with no other blue tiles he will charge misandra whose mana boost will then charge ariel (sometimes need another turn while frost’s buff continues). With ariel’s mana buff, another match will usually charge miki, snow white and then frosth to begin the whole process again. Miki and snow white can be fired in either order depending on what the enemy has done. Obviously you could use lots of different combinations of heroes in that team, but the basic idea of a mono team that only needs 7 tiles is a good one.
I was waiting to see if anyone would say this! I absolutely LOVE cSabina, and Chakky seems (at least in rush formats) like he’d be an even better option in many cases. Will almost certainly level him at some point. But just finished Hannah, and now too low on resources to do it before rush wars next week. Maybe in time for next cycle though…
I love this team-build description. Getting slow heroes charged in ten matched tiles is attractive for sure. Def leaning towards eventually maxing Frosthy too.
Why not? Seven or eight tiles to add 800+ health seems like a pretty good deal to me. Pair with an attack trio and seems like it’d be a good 3/2 strategy to me.