Ursena or Thoth-Amun

Which one should I ascend first?
I have Kunchen and Sabina fully ascended dark heroes currently.
Rest of team: Alberich, Isarnia, Zimkithka, and Onatel.
Fully Ascended on the bench: Peters, Triton, Wilbur, and Wu.
Looking to improve my Wars / Raids offensive team.

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Lol, Ursena - no question. Thoth is borderline garbage. Good luck.

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Another vote for Ursena, she can mess up yellow snipers like Joon, Musashi, and Poseidon. Reflect is quite fun for yellow titans too.

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Don’t do Thoth unless you suddenly read about a buff. He’s my only 5* sorcerer and I have 350+ emblems and I’m not even considering leveling him. There are better options. Even Horghall is a better option and he’s not even purple.

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Haha, That made me laugh. Even Horghall is a better purple than Thoth :rofl:

And I’m another vote for Ursena. I have Thoth, but not Ursena… Thoth sits unleveled and will for quite some time.

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Thoth if you need for Offensive , his FastMana helped alot even his damage is quite garbage
Ursena for Titan and special case , her damage is garbage too if opponent hp < 50%

somehow in my Alliance , Thoth is good in AW Defense by statistic , mostly at Flank

Maybe I’ll level Thoth to have the only +8 Thoth in the game… nah, I’ll stick w my +20 Jahangir for now.