Upgrading Watchtower – pros and cons?

For some reason I thought the max amount of food/iron that can be raided from you is set to the amount that is uncollected in the tower when you close the app.

Yes. The amount in your tower when you leave the game is what you lose a percentage of to raiders. That is why cleaning the assets is a priority.

There is, if I remember correctly, a minimum a raider receives. This does not seem to come from your tower, though.

Ok that might be a myth. I tried that and for a long while didn’t upgrade my tower. Anyways I took it to L12 and there is not much difference from 10 and past that. I did a test to see what worked and what didn’t. I hold 3 active accounts 2 is mine the other a relative. I held my relative account at 10 for months and there was attacks on that account even though it was just at team power a little over 2k. Raiders power were up to 3k. I felt it was not progress to hold off this account but keep going up. My advice…build your team…as with the provinces you need strong teams to defeat them so you also need to build and have qualified teams to defend your SH.
Hope this helps.