Titan loot A+ A B c

Hello.U must do something with titan loot.is not good take 4* items at c loot and A or A+ loot take nothing.
Is better for A+ loot standard one 4* ascencion for A loot 3/5 take good loot for B loot 5 /10 hood loot and for C loot almost nothing
Most times C loot is better from most players.
Please look that

While it can feel like this, this statement is not true.

In fact, it’s such a well known misconception that it’s featured in Fairly False Forum Facts

In an alliance, several members get B or C loot, while only one gets A+, so it’s quite likely that someone with C loot will get something useful and this gives the impression that C gives better loot.

SG could change it so that higher ranks always get better loot but this would cause division amongst alliances and high ranked players mercing mid level titans.

Closing this thread as there are a myriad of other pre-existing complaint, discussion and request threads about titan loot.

Some example suggestion threads:


Regarding this part, have a read of a actual data farming project on Titan Loot at various Loot Tiers

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