Titan damage nerfed?

I agree. I was doing almost 40k on tier 3 titan and around 30k on tier 4. Now doing under 20k on either one. Have notnchanged heroes.


I’m definitely noticing a reduction in Titan damage/titans inflicting more damage. I’d usually average between 30-40k on an “average” turn & anywhere between 40-60k on a good turn & 60-70k+ on a great hit. However, recently I’m struggling to get above 30k. It’s frustrating to say the least. Wu also seems pretty darn useless recently. Misses more frequently than he normally would…don’t even bother using him anymore. But definitely have noticed that the board’s aren’t as friendly when I’m colour stacking…


We feel something changed with titan, there are no puzzles,I used to hit harder than now, is there something new with titan?

Nothing new. Are you fighting stronger titans perhaps?

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@Patrika As @Adirtyempire asked, you may be dignity stronger titans — and that can be true even if they’re the same star level, as there are actually multiple variants of titan strength for each titan type and star level:

(@Kerridoc @Rook @Coppersky Possible Merge of Topic to Titan damage nerfed? )

Same as always, , more troops even , and more heros

Then it’s RNGesus being a butthead.

Merged :heart_decoration:

Ive read this topic before, and it didnt apply to me then. But it seems like in the past month Titans are much harder to kill, and the boards have been bad for many Alliance members. Is this intentional? Also why do rare Titans not give better loot than the norm.

My experience has been very different. In mid January I faced two different nature titans and averaged 9.5k per hit… in early February I just faced one and averaged 14k per hit. My squad has improved only slightly. Titans remain the same as ever in my experience. :slight_smile:

As for rare titan loot… they absolutely do give better loot. That said, it’s not a guarantee for everyone in the alliance. It’s simply an increased chance for your normal ascension mat roll to land on their particular material. I’ve been tracking over 100 titan kills over the past few months and feel quite confident in saying that at least one person in your alliance received that special drop. They probably didn’t tell anyone, but it is quite likely that at least one person got it.

Thanks for your response Che Tranqui.

Suddenly my damage agianst Titans got bad

I am usual using a color stacks against Titans.
Wu-Kong always than at least 3 of the counter color of the titan. A healer, a dmg/def buffer and a de-buffer and a second healer or a nuker.
From 3 flags I usually hit somewhere between 90k and 120k without battle items.
If I have a lucky board I score more than 70k without battle items. With a bad board at least 26k…
I know how to fight Titans… I am always in the top 2 in my Alliance.

After the last update suddenly I barely reach 20k with a flag. Maybe 30 after 5(!) tornado. We are not getting harder titans… 5-6-7 stars as usual.
I thought, I might being unlucky with the broads, however…
I did a test on yesterdays red Titan. I used up 2 Titan flasks… I attacked it 9 times in a row with different team setup (all blue, all blue + wu kong, two blue + Boldtusk + Wu +Purple, full rainbow…), I scored around 18k in every round… With today’s yellow it goes on. Full purple scored 18K, Full purple+ wu 18k, mixed 18k.

My Alliance members are asking what the ■■■■ am I doing?

Was there some stealth Nerf?
Is there some hidden player de-buff what makes you score less if you were to good for too long?


There is already a thread about this:

@zephyr1 @Kerridoc merge?

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Merged, thanks! :heart_decoration:

August update or September one?

Using one healer is not the best on titan but using more is a nonsense. As kiril and boldtusk buff attack the fact they are healer is just a bonus.

RNG and bad luck are your worst friends but they can stay with you for couple of days or more. Be patient and take it easy :grinning:

True in some way. You will never get 5 emblems on standard titans. But Rare titan as War Chest or Elemental Chest are just promises of a better reward :heart_eyes:
But at then end you just get garbage :rage: and desillusionment. (it reminds me an Imagination song: Just an illusion :joy:)

Anyone else having issues with Titan Tile damage? Been playing this game a while now and I know when I am on to a good score, I was up against an 11 star Fireblade Giant. I basically had a blue board incl 2 blue diamonds whilst Athena was active. I was expecting a hit of between 45k and 60k and ended up with 26k? When the time ended I saw a processing score sign where my total should have been. Interested to know if anyone else has had this

@zephyr1 merge?

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Merged, thanks! :heart_decoration:

Had 87k on a 7* green today, my best hit so far…so I don’t think the update made something worse on titan hits…