Tiers for Fears - buff my defence

This motley crue of nearly-men, bridesmaids and meat shields keeps me with a toe in diamond.

In the very near future I can add Evelyn, Domitia and Joon, with enough tokens for a couple of levels on each.

My thoughts were to do a central three of Domitia - Justice - Sartana

I’d be much obliged for any advice you can offer.

I have no other 5* and no other red I’d consider for defence.


Swap Sartana and Thorne’s position and you are ok with Horghall and then when Evelyn would be ready swap her with Thorne.
Boldtusk - Thorne - Justice - Horghall - Sartana
Boldtusk - Evelyn - Justice - Thorne - Sartana

The best tank would be Justice, followed by Thorne and Horghall.
If you want to put emblems (def > hp > atk) on your Boldtusk then he would jump over Justice and you could use Joon, with Sartana covering him.

Evelyn - Thorne - Boldtusk - Sartana - Joon

ps. I wouldn’t put Domitia over Sartana in a defense.


Yes man, a fully talented Boldie to tank fast 5* snipers.

That’s exactly @Razor’s prophecy.

So start the age of legendarished epics…