Three little questions... šŸ˜

  1. Lianna, hands down. Paired with Eve, she can one-shot just about any enemy in the game.

  2. I would leave Alby in, max Lianna, then swap her in for Frida. Thatā€™s just me, though, I know a lot of folks like a rainbow defense team. As for Poseidon or Drake, Iā€™m not sure. I have them both at 3^70 currently and Iā€™ve been debating that one as well. Drake can be a huge pain on defense, but you canā€™t go wrong with having another sniper in Poseidon.

  3. Iā€™m not sure how much the mana troops have to be leveled before they really become effective, but I know thereā€™s a thread about it here somewhere.

EDIT: Here it is. 4* troops - mana or crit?