Thoughts & advices on next yellow?

Fully maxed and emblemed yellows are: Odin, C1 Leo, c.White Rabbit, Devana, Ogima, Kara.

These six tgt with some strong 4* (e.g. the duck) allow me to set up two yellow teams for war purposes. My two main healers are Woolerton and DeAndre, as I don’t have any 5* yellow healer that can be charged in 9 tiles. I have 2 pigs for rush war. I play 4-1, so I will add an off-color healer for war hit.

My next yellow project options are: Motega (already at 3/70), Onatal, 2nd C1 Leo, 2nd Ogima, costume Sif, Malosi and Inari.

As my main focus is war, am looking to build a 3rd yellow team. Inclined towards 2nd C1 Leo or 2nd Ogima.

Thoughts and recommendations guys? Thanks.

With no yellow healer available I’d do a 2nd Ogima. Crazy strong hero.


I would do Malosi or Onatel. They are still useful against new stronger heroes.

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Motega is a quiet gem. Very fast meat shield with double attack up benefits. With two other holies I am tiling LB2 Ludwig down (my Motega emblemed only, not limit broken). Then keep buffing at v fast or wait for next special, which is a relax and win attack. Now my favourite holy attacking tank … and I have Wolfgang at LB1, who I also rate highly

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I would personally not opt for a dupe 5* when possible, simply due to safety (nerfs hurt extra hard, then + gotta be extra careful with power creep in mind) and for variety’s sake. Only acception would be support heroes, esp with effective skills like mana / mana control, given those never go out of style. Damage-based heroes, however? Most definitely will. (Remember when C. Sartana was the best sniper?! :sweat_smile:)

Therefore, my first choice is…

C. Sif

…& Tbh, I’m surprised no ones mentioned her yet. I freaking love her; immediate mana is a life-saver, and the counterattack has saved my butt so many times, it’s not even funny. One of my favorite holy heroes I own.

Second I’d recommend…


Now, I don’t have him, but have always wanted him - even to this day. Idk if he’s as great for what you’re looking for: war offense, but for titans, he’s the only non-nature hero to offer increased damage in 5*. Plus, that permanent -50% blind could be really nasty, I imagine.

Ofc, at the end of the day, you’ve gotta go with your gut. Even though I have a preference of support heroes, you may not… and instead, idk, maybe play super offensively. & If so, then ya gotta do what feels right to you, and never look back!


Thanks - I use Motega for titan hits and sometimes tower events.

Btw I also have Wolfgang, what’s your thoughts on him? I don’t have Ludwig or Quenell to make his buff undispellable. But I always feel that his overheal comes too late. 3 turns would be much better but unfortunately it is 4 turns.

Thanks Randa.

Very helpful input. Now I need to think harder! :joy:

I agree with Randa, I would do cSif or Motega. I have Motega maxed and emblemed and I use him in every war, his versatility to summon minions or fiends is super handy and pairs well with many heroes.

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I’m also recommending cSif. She is one of only a few heroes - others are Xnolphod (post-nerf) and Thanatos (2nd charge) - who give an immediate 10% mana boost. With appropriate troops, this is sufficient to mana boost Slow heroes to 9 tiles and sync with Fast and Average heroes… but with much more firepower.

After cSif, I’d suggest a second Ogima. He’s still one of the best minion killers around (and you’ll need more than one for minion wars). Even without minions, he still hits hard.

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Acknowledging everyone’s points, but just like @Chadmo, I vote for a second Ogima! He is strong at fast speed! I’d max a second. He’s not a game-changer so I’m hoping he won’t be nerfed.

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Not blessed until tecently with a fast healer, very happy with Wolfgang. Is in defence fully blemed and LB1. Durable and a healer with bite. Need healers to attack aa well these days. 4 turns comes round quite quickly when rest of team starts doing its stuff. Now second string to Motega but will still LB2 him before Motega for the increased attack stats

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