Hi, I have some yellows to ascend but not sure about which one for better sinergies. The main contenders are:
-White Rabbit
-Costume Rana
-Bai Yeong
My yellow team is: C. Vivica, C. Leonidas, Faline, Devana and Ureus/Joon or De Andre LB
Other heroes to take into account for 3+2 sinergies: frosth, bera, mr pengi, vanda, ludwig, c kadilen.
I will make a poll if I manage, it was useful recently
I was also thinking about White Rabbit inpired by some youtubers who have the 9 tiles killing team, but I’m not sure if that would be possible with C Leo, Rabbit, Faline and Devana. Which troops would be needed (if it’s even possible) for a 9 tiles killing team?
Another possible sinergy I was thinking of was Motega’s fiends + prevent healing with costume rana or vanda.
I’m working on motega now. I was lucky and got WR during my first year of playing. Pairing him with guardian jackal and imposing defense plus elemental defense always guaranteed a kill with a follow up sniper. WR has had lots of playing time. I voted for Motega only bc i like new specials and new heroes to play with! lol