Thoughts about Alberich

An alliance member asked about sweet Albi, and I told him to watch Dante’s zinfandel video.

Not only is the vid funny, it shows Albi’s glaring weakness…somtimes he just does not want to have playmates.

When you think you got relief coming when you see his special light up, god is it a bummer to see nothing happen.

Alberich and Ares are my angstgegners in raids given my roster of only 4 star heroes (2 5 stars on the bench, but still some time to go while I’m levelling up 20 something other heroes first).

It’s key to take Alberich/Ares out without letting them get their special off. It takes me a lucky board to do so. If I spot an opponent with an obvious weakness to my heroes in their team, besided Alby/Ares, I may take a shot. Pop a hole at the weak spot, fill up some mana quick and nuke Alby/Ares with specials.


‘Angstgegner’ is a word I haven’t come across before that I plan to start using every day.

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Alberich is the only hero that I absolutely refuse to fight in raid. He’s burned me too many times when trying to fill raid chests. Although in my brief time in diamond I noticed even more Angstgegners than platinum…

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If there is no sniper on the team avoid like the plague.

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Who is the character that keeps upping the health on every turn?

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Maybe you mean Ares?

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Not sure, when I watch the YouTube video, I see the health heart +XXX for each character for each turn? Is that Ares mana skill?

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Ares, alberich, guinevere, and Aeron all give heal over time.

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I’m curious why a few of the top ten players have dropped Alberich from there defence team. In the last month? Im just wondering if he is a slow ability. He is now becoming less of a superpower on defence with the new Hotm cards coming out??

Probably mainly GM that is too good of an counter, with that monster out in the open slow green just does not work.

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Alberich. He revives, generates mana and generates HP. There are a few other heroes that generate HP over time. Ares, Aeron and Guin are examples of good heal over time heroes.

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He is a pain to fight against, and is always one of my first targets to snipe .

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He’s pretty strong. Mother North is better though.