Alberich and Ares are my angstgegners in raids given my roster of only 4 star heroes (2 5 stars on the bench, but still some time to go while I’m levelling up 20 something other heroes first).
It’s key to take Alberich/Ares out without letting them get their special off. It takes me a lucky board to do so. If I spot an opponent with an obvious weakness to my heroes in their team, besided Alby/Ares, I may take a shot. Pop a hole at the weak spot, fill up some mana quick and nuke Alby/Ares with specials.
Alberich is the only hero that I absolutely refuse to fight in raid. He’s burned me too many times when trying to fill raid chests. Although in my brief time in diamond I noticed even more Angstgegners than platinum…
I’m curious why a few of the top ten players have dropped Alberich from there defence team. In the last month? Im just wondering if he is a slow ability. He is now becoming less of a superpower on defence with the new Hotm cards coming out??
Alberich. He revives, generates mana and generates HP. There are a few other heroes that generate HP over time. Ares, Aeron and Guin are examples of good heal over time heroes.