This defense team works right well

I think I got my better defense team. I win a lot of defenses with this (last 20 win- 10 lost).

BK probably is the best tank in the game and Frigg is an amazing flank. Since I have put on the bench Telly, my defense team is more robust.

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Well, all depends on a lot of things. Stacking blue against BK can destroy him quite easily, whatever his flanks. I mean you’ve been lucky with your last defensive raids. But you’ve got a very nice team, that’s true.

I believe it fluctuates. Sometimes your regular raid defense wins, sometimes it loses. Please screenshot your morning Watchtower raid result each day for 1 month and you’ll have a good data whether that defense is really strong.

I have this defense during 1 week. I’m very surprised.


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Black Knight and Frigg truly is a nasty duo.

My team is Heimdall, onatel, kunchen, kageburado and Poseidon all fully maxed, 4630 team power. All depends from the colors of the board, with yellow and purple tiles it’s an easy battle against the mighty Black Knight,if the board is red and blue I am in deep trouble, unless my game changer hero Heimdall has a different opinion. Really touch defence team you have

i wonder how many people just skip that defense. I would.

Notice how many cups you win each battle that probably means people with way lower teams than yours.

As Doug Marcaida says: “This defense… Kills”

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