You should Consider checking out Heathens of Sparta. They do fight 9 * titans mostly with some 10 *, but they also have 3 other sister alliances that people travel back and forth amongst freely. That being said: If a 10 star rears it’s ugly head, you can choose to swap down to the second alliance and someone else will step up to see how they can do or you can choose to try and see if you are ready for a 10 * yourself. Your choice, no pressure.
The second alliance fights 8 * and will most likely be facing a 9* soon. The 3rd and 4th alliance are for Beginners or people on Vacation.
psych ward is open my friend. cleaned house so have 3 openings. still taking down 8* with 27 players. have a 9* now. fun people as well. have line but not required.
TremTran - we smash 7*, occasionally beat 8*. Need another heavy hitter to really get better on the 8* titans. We have one open slot, and I’d say most titans see 25-29 members hit, and plenty over 40k per titan.