The Tudan Clan welcomes you!

Hello all!

I’m a couple years into this game and together with another player decided that it was time to create our own alliance.

‘The Tudan Clan’, in homage to Tudan (the often forgotten hero that started it all and helped us be where we are today) came into existence today and we’re recruiting!

Needless to say that we are looking for active players, of any level and of any part of the world. We have very few requirements and you don’t have to be an addict to join :grin: (no pun intended)

The alliance is open to anyone so please join to stay or just stop by to give it a feel. Above all we respect real life and won’t be ordering you around 24/7. Communication is key!


We’re still waiting and interested in some of you joining us. We did have a few visitors stopping by

So far it has been a smooth ride with a 95%+ titan kill rate (yes they’re still small but hey, the loot comes in handy and we’re packed with harpoons) and a 99%+ war win rate (just had our first defeat in 6 wars total, so not too shabby :joy:)

Come join our team, Tudan awaits you! Cheers all and LFG!!

Great name!

20 appreciations


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