I want people to “feel tha burn” so I’ll start with option B just to see. I’ve gor 4 hidden blades to find still but I think I can place Azz on the D squad once he’s 3/70. Yeah?
Azlar is profoundly squishy, I think based on your current defense, he won’t be a notable improvement until well into final ascension.
I wouldn’t put him in at 3-70, especially in flank. (Not that I’d recommend him in your defense at 3-70 at all.)
MN - Joon - Buddy - Sartana - Azlar
MN - Joon - Azlar - Buddy - Sartana
Ahoy hoy, gang! I’m back looking for sage advice…
Below I have the Defensive team I’d love to run.
Imagine all finished, with all STURDY emblem path going to Onatel, Azlar and Ma; Attack paths going to Joon and Sarty.
What order do I place them? I’ve read and re read so much on Tanks and I’m done “hoping” for pulling X and Y and just learning to love the toys I already have!
JOONATEL is a duo I believe in and Ma already has 1534 Health… what order?
Thanks again gang!
Mom Joon Sarta Ona Azlar
10 rezz blind hit manacut finish
20 goto 10
Sarty party is the best option for Tank here?
Imo yes, cause you like to have 2 yellows and any holy stack against Sarty will be weak against Ona and Joon.
Gotcha. Sturdy up Sartana in this case then.
Potentially you can use MN as tank.
May not be optimal but if she is able to fire the off and get some minions out. The opposing will be pressured to kill your heroes fast especially Azlar.
Welcome BACK, oh HELPFUL ONES!!!
Here’s my current DEFENSIVE PROSPECTS…
Thoughts? Lemmie hear it!
@Olmor @DaveCozy @zephyr1 @AirHawk
Take the fast one.
Azlar or Miki in the corner are almost useless.
The one with Grazul on wing looks like hell to deal with for field aid Wars.
Other than that though, I’m iffy on how effective that team will be for regular raids, with two healers on the wings.
Do you mean just facing this D in a standard raid sitch Dave?
in a standard raid yeah, that’s what I meant by “regular raids.” Typically the wings are the last ones alive, meaning that the heal at that point isn’t doing anything to threaten the opponent.
I agree with Olmor that slow on wing is usually not good to have though (exceptions like M.N. exist ofc). Miki particularly I don’t see myself fearing there since he’s pure support. I would fear Azlar a lot more, but that’s only because his special wrecks the whole team. Still on the wing I can probably safely ignore him until his special is close to charging.
Grazul on the other hand seems like the most useful you currently have, may as well go with her. She is likely to fire when it matters. Personally for regular raid team though, I’d be tempted to put her as flank instead.
Mayby try
Mom Grazy Miki Ona Sarty
Oh snap! You feel Miki can Tank? I really wish I had a TANK-Tank to build my D team around.
Yes, if he casts, at least two are blocked and all buffed. If not, the others will still do well.