šŸ§Ŗ The Beta Beat (V70) - Dragonspire -- Sharing the Big Picture on What's Going on in Beta

They have released a video about the Dragonspire coming soon, which is posted above:

Other than this I have no official communication about whether it will arrive with V70 or not.
We will see it next Monday in V70 announcement.

Based on what I see in Beta everything seems to be in place, 3 from 4 Betas were about Dragonspire in V70.
So my Best guess is that it will be released with V70, but we will find this out in couple days.


Just a final small update from V70 Beta:


Got the new version pushedā€¦ nothing noticiable yet other than a new splash screen and desktop icon. v70.0.0 build 2386 in ā€œaboutā€. No notes up yet.

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The next version beta schedule is already out. V71 expected on 7th October. My first predictions will be quite incomplete/inaccurate for the later half of October.


Thx for quoting the Beta Schedule here so I do not have to do it :slight_smile:


Were is the poll to vote if we like or not this idea with the dragons? So that I could vote ā€œnoā€ without hesitation. A poll is necessary.


And that would do what, exactly?


I saw in last beta that bases/game play were untethered, that it looked like there were no support dragons for regular raids, etc.

Is that still the case? If dragons is a stand alone (at least for PvP) then at least end game have a choice if they want to rebuild a base from scratch. If they are tethered for PvP, I assume exodus will continue to accelerate

It would gather all the haters into one place.

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What polls do anyway?

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ā€œHatersā€ is a strong word. Most of the players donā€™t like these changes cause it only serves the company.

More content to play through (which no one forces you to play ofc) doesnā€™t serve the players? :thinking: I donā€™t know, last time I checked, this was still advertised as a game. Would be boring in the long run if it never received any new content.


This is the worst thing Iā€™ve ever read on this forum. You must be blind and brainless. You probably eat vegetables and want Sluggie nerfed, too. :rofl:

Just trying to fit in here. How did I do?


Iā€™ve started an Ideas thread #SlayTheDragons where Iā€™ve reasoned, even before release, why dragons are likely to be a bad idea as is. So if you want to sound off, please consider voting and commenting there!

Of course, with dragons allegedly in the next update, it may be far too late to keep SG from chasing their sunk cost right over a cliff, but at least we can try to have a say.

This would at least be a little more sane ā€” pushing players to ā€œdragon exponential power rush NOW or fall even further behindā€ would indeed probably lead to a lot of us giving up more/entirely.

Okay, I mean: how much of dragons is new content?

Because a LOT of what weā€™ve heard sounds a lot like building a dragon!base with dragon!Bane and dragon!Layla and eventually maybe dragon!Elena etc while collecting dragon!food and dragon!iron and collecting dragon!recruits while building dragon!items to battle forces of the dragon!DarkLord while going on dragon!raids and dragon!quests to get dragon!trooptokens etc etc.


if a copy-paste ā€œstart all overā€ is what we wanted we could just start new F2P accounts in the base game.

But thatā€™s not all!

If the dragon game is either originally or eventually tethered to the main game, then it means while it doesnā€™t ā€œforceā€ you to play, it just means the chasm between ā€œhas most everythingā€ and ā€œdoesnā€™tā€ is even wider, for any player who cares to compete.

Even that aside, there are the technical issues: the base game has already been plagued by more issues lately with increased attention to dragons. Heck, SG couldnā€™t even resolve Hero League, which is basically a reskin of tournaments ā€” how confident should we be in SG reskinning *the whole gameā€? Or keeping dragon issues from making the base game have more issues?


We know what ā€œno new contentā€ looks like pretty well, given how much has gone by the wayside while we wait for dragon!doom to befall the game. Heck, this week we have an Alliance Quest bringing back the Musketeers, apparently with no changes and featuring a Soul Exchange hero (Constance) who is hilariously outclassed by another featured hero from this week (Sludgus).

And exactly how much new content can we expect to see ever again in the base game (besides, of course, hero releases) once dragons are released?

Iā€™ve argued all this and more in #SlayTheDragons, but Iā€™m feeling a lot more like The Cassandra than Iā€™d like to.


I have been looking at the new dragon cards and hope someone from the wiki gets notifications from this commentary. The dragon cards are simpler and may need a new template in order to get them all added to the wiki. They have no family, class, limit break, aethers and others that the HERO template has included but has several other new categories that do not exist in the template. I worked up a DRAGON template but have neither the knowledge or skill to be able to properly set up all the links and connections to make it work. I have always felt base stats are useless so they were eliminated along with many others that the DRAGONS do not have, as well as adding in some new ones. Here is the template and if anyone can advise me or create themselves it would be much appreciated as I would like to start adding cards in before the premiere and the are 50 that I know of right now. Thanks.


|spirit_defense_bonus =
|spirit_health_bonus =

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While it may be advertised as a ā€œgameā€ Iā€™m not sure it really is anymore. A lot of the improvements over the last 12-18 months have broken the base gameplay. Lego troops & master blems have borked 2 of the best base functions of this ā€œgameā€, war and raid, by the matchmaking implementation of both revenue generating improvements.

You then consider the new gameplay events they offered, Hero League & Monster Island which, in theory are game improvements. As you can clearly see, are nowhere to be found for whatever reason. Iā€™ll throw in a 3 kingdoms as well, where everyone complains about the 10-20% of flags left unused after each time itā€™s run.

The main ā€œgameā€ improvements Iā€™ve seen see areā€¦

OP HEROESā€¦and lots of them.

Do all these OP heroes make this game enjoyable or more of a cash grab and place for frustrated game players because they no longer have have the ability to enjoy this game without a cash infusion?

Because the rate of advancement to play this game, it now turned into a game that requires you to pay to play to enjoy it, IMHO.

Thatā€™s not a game in my book. In all honesty I feel we, the non-whales, are just public beta testers to appease the big spenders so they can enjoy their version of this game.

2 simple things to make the ā€œgameā€ an actual game in my book, would be to increase titan * and bump up quality loot % maybe 1-2%. With how many OP heroes they have pumped out over the last year+ I think those 2 things would keep player interest. Heck, once a year add another titan star! Iā€™d be more engaged if I had a 16 or 18 titan with a 1 or 2% chance of better loot.


I think you miss the assist skill effect 1-3 from your template.

PS: In the latest Beta the Assist Skill mana speed was Dragon to all dragons, and the assist skill bonus was a fixed number based on rarity.

So maybe these can be simplified, but of course if later Staff decides to enable different numbers for each dragons, then you have a problem.