This will be most likely the last Tower of Magic event in the forseeable future as we run out of releasable heroes.
So if you want to have Magic troops, but you can might consider pulling now.
We will probably only get new information about whether ETT can be used for Legendary Troop summon much later (maybe just when V63 is released) than this magic portal closes.
I’ve heard that, if that happens what could happen to the troops, do they get combined into one summon but then again with the legendary troops they might not even matter.
I did look for this answer but may have overlooked it. Does it say somewhere of what the total cost is in food and iron to completely finish a 5* troop from 1-50? I want to give more info to my alliance on how the conversion works but am really curious of the total cost - and how much less of a cost it is than epic troops.
I saw only this possibility in Elemental Summon.
It is not there for Epic hero or Epic Troop summons.
And EHT can’t be used for Elemental summon.
Just an additional thing:
When I did this “watch video summon”, then the Fated summon counter is not increased.
I am unsure of this possibility will be there for other summons or not.
We will see.
Staff have not mentioned anything in Beta release notes.
So most likely it is accidentally released to Beta.
Thanks to @Ufeel for the quote. I did later do a test leveling to level 50 and starting with my level 1 troops and then moving to level 2 (so not the most efficient but still more efficient), it only costs 29M food.