đŸ§Ș The Beta Beat (V48) – Tremors of Underwild, 2022 June and July HoTMs, Sanctuary of Gargoyles -- Sharing the Big Picture on What's Going on in Beta

Version 48 Beta Build 3 has arrived:

  • New Legendary heroes for a new event (not Gargolyes) with a brand new mana speed:
    • Nyx
    • Hypnos
  • Balance changes for June and July HoTMs
  • Balance changes for Gargoyles heroes
  • The three not yet released Costumes for Challange Festival arrived back to testing:
    • Black Knight
    • Guardian Panther
    • Rumpelstiltskin
  • Sand Empire hero Roc is now received a costume


  • Added a progress bar for rare enemies to Valhalla Forever
    - Not added to Atlantis Rises, as that event does not cap rare enemy spawns
  • Adjusted the positions of certain pop-up tooltips to account for device notches


  • Ahhotep no longer causes battles to become unresponsive under certain conditions
  • Fixed a visual issue in which the Season V loot view backdrop was displaying for Quests
  • Fixed a visual issue in which Sun Shangxiang’s Special Skill would not leave a visible Decreasing Defense Down icon on enemies when cast in quick succession with Guardian Falcon’s Special Skill
  • Mitsuko’s Special Skill no longer incorrectly blocks an allied Esme from removing Fiends

Any sign of new buildings yet?

:crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

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Interesting stuff here. Looking forward to reading the details later

Looks like theme for this new event is related to the underworld & chaos. We may see Hades, Pandora, Thanatos as well!


Will the topics be added later?

I have started to work on these, but first I update the topics with the balance changes.

These are seems to be some greek gods.
This will be might be another Tower event, as these heroes will have 100%/200%/300% mana charge with a brand new mana speed.


The beta balance updates are updated here:


If those 2 heroes are a part of a new tower, then the towers should rotate like the challenge events, while keeping Clash of Knights in between each tower. Just an idea is all.

Thanks. So basically SG is telling us to start saving tower coins lol coz Ninja and Magic heroes will be outdated soon :joy:


Futher Balance updates for unrelased Challenge Festival costumes:


Topic for Roc costume is now ready:

Styx Heroes topic:


Thank you for the great job. Any information about when gargoyles event is coming?


I am strongly believe it will arrive around May 11th.
Staff should announce their calendar this week so we will find out soon.


@PlayForFun You still think it’ll come out in May still?

I thought it might since the new round of Beta was released today even though this round had balances for the new Gargoyles, it didn’t include the old Gargoyles Penolite and Gillard with their stats changes, family bonuses, etc

I guess we’ll have to wait for their official calendar to be released this week to know for certain

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I have asked Staff (Petri) about this.

Really? Pre-release buff Finley, kong, bk,tell and panther (panther is ridiculus) when first 3 for example c.lotl and c.snow white are just slow meh? Compare to panther its funny

What’s next? very fast hit 999% all? -.-

I have received a response.
Staff are still working on the balance update of these heroes.
If it will be ready before Friday, then they will immediatelly release them for us in Beta.


The Feedback summary for Version 48 Beta 2 (which was ended on Monday) is just arrived:


SGG immediately began planning ways to make players pay for the needed buffs instead of including them in a free balance update.


thank you for sharing the beta feedback!

also glad to see beta feedback agreed with me - re Gargoyle family bonus being too much!

also happy to see Beta feedback really being specific to each hero tested
 hope SG listens. in the name of balance!