đŸ§Ș The Beta Beat (V47) – Season 2 Heroes and Costumes and Season 5 Heroes and Provincies -- Sharing the Big Picture on What's Going on in Beta

I was able to do a couple tests before work. Briefly, if you have a mana 29 troop on a Slayer with no emblem bonus and have two other Slayers (so you get a +1 every turn), and you do three separate three matches, you will almost always charge. I didn’t get a situation with three matches in a row, but effectively this makes the Slayers in this scenario like an average hero with a level 23 troop :slight_smile:

Much more testing tonight, but in case someone wants to do their own experiments this will give a start. Briefly, you need to record, try not to do combos of your desired color, and keep track of the mana counter with tiles. Trying things with one Slayer and mana 23/29 with three early matches and finding the borderline cases may be helpful.


I will also try to determine the necessary tile count to charge.

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What an incredible amount of work that goes into these things. IÂŽve been backstage before, in various types of games and communities, and I can easily recall the work load involved.

Hats off to you, fine Sir :tophat:

Edit: Wow, that picture came out rather large! :sweat_smile: Well, it wonÂŽt be missed then!


So far I could narrow down the Slayer mana speed to 10.8 and 11 tile range.
(11 tiles with 0 mana generation increase was enough to charge a Slayer hero.
But 6 tiles with 0 mana generation increase + 4 tiles with 20% mana generation increase was not enough to charge a Slayer hero)


Balance tower loot too
 SG just make tower harder and harder. Because of the squid guy from some lucky player and his loop combination, you make all player get mana generation penalty for doing carpet bomb. Dont you know this tower is more boring (longer to be completed) ?

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Would have been great if they left the player’s name there instead of Ex-Member and just gave it a different font colour to show they were out. Or something other than the dreaded [Ex-member]. Thought we had something there too Blue!


Honestly, what did you expect? The minute people started complaining about nerfing Xenophod because of the towers, I specifically said that SGG wasn’t going to do so, and instead would nerf everyone by playing with the mana gain mechanics. And there it is.

Again, one of those, don’t ask what you don’t want because you aren’t going to get what you think you are going to get.

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I will try to check it how it will look like.
(If noone else will left during the War in Beta, then I will and come back)


This is free forum, just complain and share my mind. What i expect, make this tower looks fun enough again (at least being free from gem/flask spending).

I just realized that you may have interpreted what I said as an attack based on your response. I was agreeing with you, but just adding the fact that people who complained about one hero essentially ruined it for everyone else.

SGG wields a heavy hand, with little or no finesse.

The last time a top tier player complained about his CoK rewards, followed by a #nospend initiated by a fellow top tier player, followed then by private discussions with SGG => CoK loot buffed for top 1000, loot nerfed for everyone else.

Now this because of another top tier player who used his Xnolphod team. Why not ? He pulled for them. It’s his Money that he spent. He has every right to use whoever he has in his roster. That’s part of the TOS.

Now SGG is saying that this player shouldn’t have used some hero cards because it made event completion too easy ?!

Once again SGG has demonstrated that they lack foresight in hero development, focusing only on their must-have game economy.

One plus point : SGG left the first 50 floors untouched by this additional challenge. They had enough sense left after nerfing Ferant mid RT to remember that most players would just use their 50 free flags.

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I got a bit of a different answer, between 11.0745 and 11.1 (BUT I WAS WRONG)

My edge cases were:

5 Mana troop +7%
3 tiles at +5%, 3 at +10%, 3 at +30%
Total = 11.0745 didn’t fill (NO THIS is actually 10.98)

Crit troop
3 tiles at +5%, 3 at +25%, 3 at +40%
Total = 11.1 did fill

If I didn’t screw up I’ll bet it is 11.1 exactly

I did screw it up, I multiplied troop bonus instead of adding it

If you have a 29 mana troop and three slayers, you often fill with 3 x 3 tile matches if they are not all made at the very beginning. A 29 magic troop lets you fill in 9 tiles unless you do almost everything in the first move. With one slayer your chances to fill in 9 tiles decreases a lot. If used in isolation, these heroes are very slightly slower than average, and it may be hard to charge in under 10 tiles.

All that is still true

this is EXCELLENT feedback from beta players, on behalf of the whole player base. thank you, beta players, for advocating for the good of all players!


Sorry you were right; please revoke my math card. I multiplied mana troop bonus instead of adding it.

It is 11 tiles.

Level 5 mana, three tiles at +1, +2, +6 did not charge
Total = 3*(1.07+0.05)+3*(1.07+0.10)+3*(1.07+0.30) = 10.98 tiles

I have one that does charge at 11.01 but yours at 11 trumps that.

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The Beta testing for Version 47 has just ended.

The next Beta build will be for Version 48.
Staff has not told any timing and content information about the next Beta.


Thx for re-calculating it, and narrowing down the range to this very tiny value interval.
While the Beta was opened I have confirmed again too that the Slayers can charge in 11 tiles.


The Beta Feedback summary for the last week’s build is just arrived.
And as the V47 Beta Build 2 summary is welcomed by the community (and I have not received any message from Staff or anybody else about that I should not share it) here is the Feedback summary for V47 Beta Build 3:


Then that’s not fair already. They’ll need to scrap the entire passive and give her an appropriate one

We pray for season 2 3* and 4* in Hero Academy and buff S1 Heroes :slight_smile:


@PlayForFun anything else you can say about the rest of the year? Any tease you can about what’s coming up?

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