šŸ§Ŗ The Beta Beat (v30) ā€“ Hero Balance Updates; Updated Alchemy Lab; Hero Academy; Updated Sand Empire Seasonal Event; Updated Path of Valor; New Season 3 Heroes; Jun/Jul/Aug/Sep HOTM ā€“ Sharing the Big Picture on What's Going on in Beta

I realized that it is not possible anymore to undo likes in the forum. Somehow, I gave the announcement a likeā€¦ maybe for at least making a statement at all, admitting it is not a solution for dupes or promising something (they will never keep). I donā€™t knowā€¦ After giving it a second thought I realized there is literally nothing to like about that statement (as plenty of my comments show) but I couldnā€™t undo itā€¦ I just want to make clear, I donā€™t like what you are doing here, SGā€¦ Everyone who feels betrayed is absolutely right and you know it.

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This whole thing they do resembles me of my time in World of Tanks. When i started in 2012 it was huge fun and kept me playing for years like literally every day. But they got greedy and in 2016 if i remember correctly they started releasing totally OP broken premium tanks. Every month they released like 2-3 of these. The catch was if you bought one of them it did absolutely beastly until the next newest shiny premium tank came into the game because when that happened the one you bought started missing more shots, getting penetrated on spots where it was literally impossible, catching on fire frequently and so on, they obviously denied everything and said it was ā€œRNGā€. This kept on and on, new op tanks to keep the people grinding and spending but no QoL improvements. Guess what in the last 2-3 years the playerbase dropped by 50% and their e-sports branch (with a whole tournament and cash prizes, streaming rights and so on) absolutely died off. So here is the example SG thats where you are headed now.


Iā€™m not part of their dev team so Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s going on inside. But usually when a large project is abandoned by a team team itā€™s either because itā€™s easier to start from ground up than patch incompatible code or itā€™s not deriving any value for anyone (viz business, devs, customers etc).

Since they arenā€™t being transparent or candid itā€™s hard to guess which. Freeing up time for another portal and more heroes is a pretty good guess. Special hero portals went on from being available 6-7 days a month (Atlantis + Challenge events) to 18 days a month (Atlantis + Challenge events + Costume + ToL + Valhalla). There are still 12 gap days to filled. Contrast that with these AMA excerpts -

Idk what to believe anymore. At this point seeing is believing so Iā€™m treating every word from SGG with a grain of salt.


If they listened to even only half of the ideas we gave they wouldnt have to abandon the thing they were promising us for 2 years. So many ideas were here, lower build and operation times, quable trainings, trade-up system, taking into account the retrained heroes rarity when determining the outcome etc. They just did not give a duck about it. Thats all. So they are basically saying " we promised you something 2 years ago and delaying it ever since, now we made it useless so we have to abandon it. Sorry. Yeah we listened to all the feedback and could save the feature with it but we wont so we are sorry we have to search for other ways, please be patient." now thats simply outrageous


Actually if i count how many times they screwed us over with HA its even more infuriating.
They made a promise they knew they did not want to keep or realised after they dont want to keep (1 screw over point)
They delayed it as long as they could putting every single feature that nobody asked for ahead of it (1 screw over point, actually they would deserve one point for each time they did it but im benevolent)
They introduced it in beta in an obviously useless state (1 point)
When the massive uproar came they made some changes but clearly avoided anything that would make it useful (2 points for doing it 2x)
After it was obvious no one liked it they simply said its the final version (1 point)
Then they said they are abandoning the project because it too expensive (they made it super expensive) so not many could use it (2 points, one for the announcement and one for using their own ā€œmistakeā€ as an excuse)
Telling us they read all the feedback (1 point for not reading it or simply chose to ignore it)
Telling us to wait some more until they come up with some other way (2 points, 1 for making us wait again and 1 for not giving us any details, promises or anything about this new way of fulfilling their own 2 year old promise)
If im not mistaken thats at least 11 screw over points and i didnt even count every case when they delayed HA further with some cheap excuse. They screwed us over 11 times with this single feature. I dont even know what to say. Im a pretty patient guy but not stupid, enough is enough.


Iā€™m just wondering how much of this is down to the development team and how much of it is wished on them by bean-counters from above. For all we know (given theyā€™d be unlikely to be allowed to say) they could be pretty helpless and possibly even annoyed. It wouldnā€™t be the first or even the most successful company to be gutted by orders from the paymasters.

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What Iā€™m seeing here, if I was the development team, the lesson is donā€™t share anything ever again. You wouldnā€™t know about any of their ideas had they not done the AMA. And you have all made dead certain they never will make that mistake again. What are you expecting, getting something for nothing? They are in the business of making money. You knew that the moment you opened the game. Stop complaining about it. HA is going to give us the chance to get heroes we canā€™t ever get again without having to pay gems. Stop looking a gift horse in the mouth.


Lmao!!! Stop me if youā€™ve heard this from the SG staff before. ā€œWe realize that this new feature we are releasing doesnā€™t solve the issues weā€™ve received feedback on over the last year or so, but some time down the line we will address this! Consider this the SG promiseā€. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: so when should we expect the 2021 sneak peak with more empty promises?

But besides the AMA, youā€™re missing that we have Beta Testing, where beta testers get to see ideas and give feedback. Furthermore, Small Giant allows information from Beta to be shared right here on the forums - right here on this very thread, in fact.

So yes, we are complaining because expectations were raised (expectations for something better; expectations that SG would listen to beta feedback and forum feedback). And those expectations have been set for over a year now.

Thing is, this isnā€™t the first time they shared the idea - and they ASKED beta players for feedback. If the idea hadnā€™t been shared so long ago, and if they hadnā€™t asked for feedback so many times, I would be a lot less disappointed than I am now.


And this feature is widely requested in non-beta forum too, we have ideas and feature request here where player asking for trading. HA was supposed to be their answer to that.


If only these were non-novel ideasā€¦ unfortunately they are borrowed concepts from other games (which were successfully integrated). Most players have been requesting trades and hero/skill/item conversion features borrowing from age old RPG elements. In fact if you re-read the AMA, the original question was around trades which they replied by saying that advanced camp would ease trade pain points. There have been alternative ideas to hero academy suggested too like hero shardsā€¦itā€™s all to address a shared frustration with duplicate heroes.

Also to point out, they didnā€™t really have to make an announcement saying ā€œWeā€™ll work on something to address duplicate heroes soonā€, but they did. I donā€™t see that different from ā€œWeā€™ll release academy to help with surplus hero issueā€ā€¦so I donā€™t see a lesson learnt there.

Not everyone is looking out for freebiesā€¦a lot have in fact paid primo price for these duplicates in fact. Seeing same hero from summon every day is getting boring.


This is not about free stuff at all. Its about them making a promise then doing everything possible not to fulfill it. If someone promises me a whole pizza then keeps me waiting ages then gives me only one slice i get pissed because he did not keep his word and wanted to screw me over with that single slice. Its not about the HA at all its about them making a promise then not fulfilling it on multiple occasions. They absolutely lost their credibility in my eyes.


Exactly, they arenā€™t forcing you do it. You knew exactly what would happen if you drew. They even post the odds that your going to pay for duplicates. Coming back and saying youā€™ve been had just is a bad look.

So is being a shillā€¦meh

Nobodyā€™s talking about drawing or summons though? The issue is that for two years SG has been promising a new advanced building that was being touted to solve several long-standing issues in the game:

  1. Lack of anything meaningful to do with duplicate 5* heroes
  2. Inaccessibility of S2/HotM/Event heroes for F2P/C2P players
  3. Inability of S1 5s to deal with new hotness heroes (for example, red S1 5s being completely unable to approach Telluria at all, which neatly explains why she still makes up wall character in 90%+ of top raid defense teams)
  4. Lack of good training options for troops
  5. Lack of good uses for iron once buildings are upgraded

For two years the Hero Academy was touted as the solution to all these problems, but, after two years in development, the building itself proves unable to meaningfully do any of the things it was promised to do.

  • Sure, you can feed a couple of S1 5* duplicates into this Academy, but only one per week, and with a 95% likelihood youā€™ll have to feed the same hero back in next week, when another S1 5* duplicate shows up.
  • Yes, you can theoretically get a new hero out of the Academy, but it comes out to maybe two or three per year, which isnā€™t terribly meaningful except for the completely F2P crowd who hardly has any other 5*s in his roster.
  • Red S1 5* is still a barren wasteland of useless crap, and burn damage still overlaps so much of Red is still actively anti-synergistic, so Telluria reigns supreme.
  • Troop training technically uses iron, but progress is so slow as to be meaningless.

All of that, in itself, isnā€™t so bad really: the Alchemy Lab was similarly useless, and, after being universally mocked for months, was retrofitted until, well, it still sucks, but itā€™s at least theoretically useful now.

The main issue, and the reason everyoneā€™s actually upset now, is the condescending, snide, dismissive little bit of doublespeak that just discharged out of some PR manā€™s butthole, where they ignored their own companyā€™s long history of promises and insulted the intelligence of the dedicated veteran players, the only group of people that the message will ever be read by, who would absolutely know what the company has previously promised and absolutely not be fooled by some protestation that the thing they supposedly have been working on for two years was never what they were really going to use to solve any of the above issues, but stay tuned because weā€™ll totally come up with something we promise.


The issues are:

And donā€™t forget being able to exchange 4s for other 4s and s2 4s. We need that desperately. Or maybe trade in 2 or even 3 4s for 1 5* HotM. Hmmmm? Not bad ideas which Iā€™ve read beforeā€¦and which SG has been unwilling to implement.

@TheEyes plus others :hugs:


Beta Update

Beta has now closed, in preparation for the rollout of Version 30 to the live game.


When version 31 ? 30 will hv only AL update know

31 is expected to appear after 30. :grinning: sorry.
But in addition to the Alchemy Lab Upgrade, 30 definitely includes the summer event.
Oh SH25 and the Hero Academy I actually expect in there too.
There were even confirmations from SG employees regarding the Hero Academy.


Knowing SG, they would make S2 and all the event 4*s a 5% chance to pull them also :man_facepalming: