The Best Heroes in Each Class guide

If Pixar’s Toy Story…

… series taught us one thing, it is odd couples are funny, er, everyone benefits when you share with others.

Why does it have to be “either … or”?

I am taking Scarlett, Jackal, and Peters to Rogue 4*+1 before leveling Scarlett to 4*+15 for my original Wu Kong Cascade Squad.

Sabina, Ameonna to Sorcerer 4*+1 before leveling Sabina to 4*+15 for sorcerer Quests.

A friend is taking Delilah, Boldtusk, Elena, Valen, Rudolph, Gato to Fighter X*+1 before taking Boldtusk to 4*+15.


In several cases I will still be leveling a hero ( looking at you 4* purple list from heck ), so the X*+1 will get the emblems until the other heroes are ready, then I will level the other heroes to X*+1, before returning to spending emblems on the highest priority.

Be flexible

Wonderland legendary tier taught me to be flexible when I leveled Proteus in 1 day using off color heroes ( that hurt ). The lose of hero XP was balanced by using less 3* / 4* battle items in legendary tier ( where I can use Proteus), so I can use those saved battle items in the 8 of 10 class quests barred to Proteus.