🧙 Telonius – 5* Nature / Green from Tower of Magic

What are the heroes that would pair well with him? I’ve got him almost maxed, but unsure who to use him with.

For example heroes that will apply burn, water damage, sand damage etc.
He has already poison by himself, so others hero with poison will write over.

Happy gaming

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The best is to pair him with Morgan le fay, but on offence. Or Erlang Shen

These are some good examples.
Jean Francois, Natalya, Azlar and costumes, Gravemaker and costume,
Dartagnan, Asterius
Sand cards that cause sand ailment - Yunan, Rana, Roc
All s5 cards whose passives leave water, sand, fire damage

The key is to not use other poison dealers like Bera, Anubis, Clarrisa, Jabber etc as some of them have lower poison dot then Telonius.


I manage to pull this guy in my last coin pull :smiley:.

Full body picture


Even salmon Loki will benefit from his DOT amp

Wish the second charge was better. Fast heroes like Hathor, has a far superior special as she resists satus ailments, not just the damage. Cleopatra currently heals all for 65%, but even if it were 55% still is a far better option. Telonius 75% for target and nearby is not good for a technically very slow special. I would love if we could essentially “lock” which charge we would prefer for all the various charge heroes for offense or defense. His first charge is great and will be fun to use. I was lucky to get Matilda and she is fun to use offensively!


Has anyone bothered to max him and use him in raids. This guy just went quite.


I think the silence says it all :sweat_smile: This guy won’t get tonics from me, he’s super average (other than his passive) and most people would have better greens to work on unless you’re completely FTP.

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Things are silent here because centaurs, like Telonius, are in hibernation. He’ll probably spring back to life when version 59 is released.


Fun to play, just watch them melting with him and JF

Im using him on def team, they’re doing quite well


Lol, that’s actually quite funny

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I’ve obviously been sleeping, I swear I’ve never seen this guy before I just saw him in a raid. Not joking this time.

He’s definitely nothing special

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He blocks damage from status ailments but, also, I encountered him yesterday in a raid and he blocks damage from G Hippo’s SS, which is a buff, as well.


Got this guy! And I’m probably the only one here that’s way too excited over this hero. He breathes new life back to my MLF and lady locke and so many other DOT heroes. Since i missed Matilda, which I wanted really badly, this guy is very much welcomed


You are not alone. I BB use him a lot as an independent DOT card. On teams with over healers I use him with xiaotu. The rabbits 250 damage on heal also increases to 375. The dot of Jean just goes insane. Quick death for enemies at fast speed

The mana debuff stack is not game changing but adds up nicely.


Erlang Shen’s ailment can also increase damage as well. And I just got him, you can see why I am very excited over this hero

I pair him with Ray killer

Paired with Franz damage is doubled. Hard to time in raids though. Hammertusk would be nice combo though.

Using Telonius against Hippo these days and he does protect himself 2 others. I put the most important damage dealers next to him for better survivability. Those 5-turn protection is becoming so valuable.