Hey all how is everyone at the moment. Hope you are all getting by. I have a few questions about my team. Thanks in advance.
- Who is the better hero out of Kiril vs Melendor costume. I have both and wondering which one to work on to level first (I will get around to do both but limited resourses)
- I have Li Xiu, Colen, Quintus and Wilbur all stuck at their highest level and needing a compass to move onto the next tier. I just got one, what would your advice be on first hero (compasses are extremely rare for me)
My team: Red-Boldtusk, Kelile, Gormak
Blue-Triton, Grimm
Green-LJ, Elkanen, Kashhrek
Purple-Rigard, Proteus, Tiburtus
Yellow-Chao, Joon