Team building help request

What should i do with this motley crew? How would you build a defense team? Who would you put together for a general rainbow team? What about single-color teams? Any feedback, suggestions, etc is appreciated as I’m really trying to learn more about the synergies between players! Thank you so much!

Ar the moment your best defense would be from left to right:

Max them, put emblems on them and limit break them if possible. They will serve you well for the next months you in raids, war and 4* content.

If you have the 4* mats (Scopes) max cost. Alasie.

Happy gaming


Thank you! I really appreciate your help :blush: I had Iris, Ptolemy, Gormek, Cyprian and D’Andre before …

Iris is cool, I have her limit breaked +19 but yours is not maxed.A maxed 4* is stronger than any 5* at 3/70. In addition the dispell of Iris is tricky, better to use on offense than on defense. Gullie provides overheal and damage to all. Grimm makes defdown like Gormek, Kelile and Caedmon are fast snipers on wing, Caedmon providing additional dispell.

Happy gaming


Thank you for sharing your knowledge! If you have time at some point in the future, i would love some feedback on creating single color teams. From what I’ve been recently learning, there are times where those can be poweful tools!

Stop wasting your resources on 5 star heroes, you can´t even upgrade your 4 stars yet!

Li Xiu, Grimm, Boril, kiril, Sabina, Falcon, gormek, Sonya are all very useful heroes that can be used for many purposes. All of them will have a real benefit for you!

Good 3 stars will help you in 3 star tourneys and events to gather more resources: You have aat least a good base there, but I think you can improve with: Goopy, Dante, Pixie, Helo, Ei-Dun.

Apart from upgrading, focus your LB and emblems on the most important heroes. Boldtusk LB is great, but give him emblems!

What teams to use is difficult to say, since most of your heroes aren´t really finished so it´s all constantly change.
For defense generally rainbow is best: Could be something like Chao-Boldtusk-Cyprian-Grimm-Caedmon but then you really need to bump Cyprian up the totem pole a bit. BT makes a good tank as well. Then you could go: Chao-Tibs-BT-Iris-Caedmon. ANother good option for tank is Gullinbursti, you could do caedmon/Sonya on the wings (1 dispel, 1 cleanse), Tibs-Gulli-Zagrog/Gormek as the center.
lots of options, just pick one then work on the heroes to make them stronger, no defense will ever be good if the heroes aren´t at their peak.

For offense: With counterattack I like 2-2-1 For example: CCaedmon-Sabina-Cyprian-Ptolemy-BT/Kiril that would be a setup against teams wit no (or maybe 1) healer. If they have 2 healers, Iwould swap a healer for a hitter and change to 3-2 like Grimm-Sonya-Kiril-Cyprian-Sabina, no point attacking a team with 3+healers using counterattack.

If you want to go for dealing damage yourself rather than through counterattack I would go 3-2 or 3-1-1 or maybe 4-1 if necessary.
Since you don´t have those damage monsters, you need to synergize your heroes to deal more damage, so stack various types of def down and attack boost in the same colour (and speed) to increase your damage.
For example: Falcon-Gormek-Zagrog (all same colour and same speed, so you can fire them together in that order. SO you have both EDD and DD before Zagrog hits. Add some mana control+healer in another colour or simply 2 healers either in 2 different colours or add BT and 1 other healer to make it 4-1. Pick the healers based on what you need: dispel (Melendor/Sabina) buffs (BT, Kiril), ailment protection (Ptolemy), Mana speed boost (D´Andre). Experiment! But it should be possible for you to kill 3 heroes as soon as you charge your red heroes, if not bring BT as well, he ia also same speed and color as the others, and will charge at the same time. fire him first for the attack boost, then same as before.

Same idea of course in any color, just used red as an example as you at least have the heroes half way upgraded, so you can start trying how it works.

It´s a good idea to start thinking of your heroes as teams, not individuals, and then work on those heroes, don´t just randomly upgrade whatever you pull next.

Also for now the 3-70 5stars are OK to use, once you emblem/LB the 4 stars, they will be much better, but in a pinch you can use 3-70ies. When you get to the point that you have lots of good 4 stars, you´ll probably start getting mats to finally finish those 5 stars. And of course then you can slowly work those back into your teams.

When it comes to events, go for counterattack, lots of healing (especially overhealing) and mana control. So in your case I guess yellow is your strong color: Cyprian-Gullinbursti-Li Xiu then add maybe 2 more healers or 1 healer and chao to help take out the targets that don´t quite die, also he helps with more mana control.


Thank you Gargon! Im going to throw emblems at him right now. Does this path look like the right way to go?

It´s a bit blurry for me, but as long as you prioritize Def>HP>Att and make sure to get the mana node, you´ll be fine.

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Ive been following what you said, but here’s the part on the path where the intetests go on both sides of the path … i see the mana node (thank you for that tidbit). Not sure of the next couple of steps and don’t want to screw up now! Sorry to ask so many questions

Easy choice! Left-left

Defense over HP (since you get an attack on both sides) and Mana over crit.

That defense stat of BT is insane :slight_smile: He holds his own against 5 star heroes with no trouble :wink:

Once you get that last talent (btw the attack is rather unimportant) his super talent kicks in and that is huge for the fighters. He wsa a decent tank before, but now is actually really good. The chance to revive is even higher and with a 50% mana boost on revive he´ll often revive and then heal instantly lol. Such a pain in the behind to get rid of…

If you get lucky in a costume portal you get his costume to boost his stats (especially that crazy def stat) and mana speed even further!

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Looking good!

How is it going playing around with different teams on offense/defense? Found something you like yet?

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I have been trying to grow my team, and still trying to figure out how they all play together :roll_eyes: at this point, i think i need to figure out what my best defense team/ war defense team would be. After that, what the best general attack team would be (for raids and such). Thank you for your help and guidance :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: it is truly appreciated!

No such thing as 1 best team. It all depends on who you are facing.

Your roster is very good in terms of healers, not much in terms of hitters, so I would build on that for now. Counterattack goes well with healers, so to start out with pick 1 counterattacker, 2 healers (maybe 3 if facing lots of hitters) and then add def down hero and a hitter (the latter preferably in the same color and speed, which of course for would be difficult for now).

Pick your colors in a way so you have 3 heroes of the color that is strong against the enemy tank, so that the strong tiles have a chance to kill or seriously damage the tank. The other 2 heroes can be same color or different color.

Lets say you want to attack a team with a green tank
Right now your best counterattacker is Cyprian, so we start with him.
We want 3 red heroes. 1 needs to be a healer (so we get 2 in the end), so Boldtusk. For defdown and hitter we can take Gormek and Kelile, unfortuantely Gormek is slower than Kelile, but nothing to be done about that for now, eventually you might have mana troops for Gormek and Boldtusk to speed them up to 9 tiles (3 matches) and they will charge at the same time as Kelile at 8 tiles (usually also 3 matches).
We need one more healer to fill up the quota: Ideal would be a purple one (like Sabina when she´s finished), so we don´t have the hassle of dealing with 3 colors, but it´s not a big problem to use a third color, right now your best healer that´s left is Ptolemy, so go for that one.

When you set it up put Cyprian in the middle, the toughest heroes (preferably not rogues that dodge and don´t counterattack) next to him so in the example that would be your two healers (with teh LB and emblems they have a very good def) and the more fragile heroes and rogues on the wings. 2 reasons: the wings have a slightly smaller chance to get attacked and if they die the remaining heroes still are under the counterattack. if the wingers survive but the flanks die, you loose counterattack.

Stop wasting your mats on 5 star heroes, unless you can actually finish them, max out your 4 stars first: Grimm, Kiril, Sonya for example are all staples and Boril will make it easier to color stack with a counter attacker, so you don´t always have to take Cyprian. Sabina, Li Xiu, Falcon all are very useful as well and will help get you to a place where you can always pick 3 good heroes in a color.


Thank you :blush: i will work on that! I appreciate the time you take explaining the rationale behind the picks!

My original war defense team vs what i think you are saying would be a better choice …

Now if i could finish the last epic level on the mighty pets quest … your help got me thru a few more levels (thank you!) but this last level isn’t cooperating!

have you tried throwing some big boy items? time stops, tornados, bomb attacks, manna potions should get you through. but you can also try stacking the strong colour for what boss is giving you the most trouble. on the last stage before the bosses don’t just kill all the enemies , leave one till you fill all your manna for the bosses and then Finnish the last small fry with tiles. good luck

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Thank you :slight_smile: threw everything i could at them (including the kitchen sink) … and ALMOST survived … close enough that i paid the 75 gems to continue, the team was revived, and I was able to complete :grinning: hopefully this dude was worth 75 gems :laughing: he’s cool and interesting looking if nothing else … I’m a sucker for new characters.


Well defense is a whole different story, I was talking about offense earlier.

The center of your formation is OK, but too many healers isn´t a good idea on defense, because you have no chance of killing anyone, all they need to do is throw tiles at you until they charge a dispeller and then fire all their specials at once.

A rainbow is of course desirable from a color perspective, but other things matter as well or even more.

Speed: Faster is of course always better, but we have to work with what we get. So If you want to use a slow hero, put him in tank position, where he has a chance to charge (flanks and wings should not be slow if possible), Average heroes make good flanks, while the wings are best filled with fast heroes (too few tiles hit them to charge up reliably otherwise). Think of it as a pyramid, slowest in the middle fastest on the wings.

Counterattackers in tank (not anywhere else, they loose to much of their power when not placed in tank), Especially not that CBoril on wing, he will overwrite the better counterattack from Cyprian.

Healers on defense: Best to use some that add some level of threat instead of only healing your team, in your case the best one is BT (big attack boost makes your other heroes do more damage, he has a gigantic defense stat, so he can take a beating and he´s a fighter, one of the best classes in the game, it makes him revive and then heal again), Ptolemy probably second best, because at least his family bonus can do some damage and his passive can add overheal. Those two can be flanks for now. Eventually you probably want to increase your threat level and switch out one (or both) of them for a heavy hitter. You can try Gormek/Tibs/CTibs for that purpose if you like, not heavy hitters, but the Defdown increases further damage…

So what do you have left for the wings? Well I can see 3 max level fast heroes: Chao, Kelile and Caedmon. Chao fits the color profile best. Kelile has the option to burn all which is nice, Caedmon has the dispel (wouldn´t use the cleanse, because you already have the partial cleanse on Ptolemy). Experiment!! Sonya would do the same as Caedmon, but also fit the color for a rainbow.

If you want to use something else than counterattack for tank you need to upgrade some hitters first. Gullinbursti and Li Xiu both make very good, but also very different tanks :slight_smile:

Btw when you get mats to finish a 5 star: CAlasie is 2 classes above all your other heroes :wink:


Good job!

I think Rufus looks pretty good. Not sure why we needed a 5th red, slow, hard hitting, 3star hero, but so be it… Also he´s not the worst of them, guess I would put him in the middle of that group. In your case he´ll probably make an interesting red 3stack for rush tourneys with Li and Waqas. Add treevil and a healer and you have a pretty neat attack team for your next rush tourney :).