I sent you msg in line. Looking for a new alliance after war ends tomorrow.
I’m predicting… You’ll be glad you made the decision to find out more . You can always ask to join in game and visit for a while. Warning - you might just end up staying
Hi @Supra thanks for letting me know, i got a new phone and don’t have Line installed. Will download it so we can make contact
Still some spaces at TBD. We’ve enjoyed a Christmas war victory, and still smashed the titans while we’ve enjoyed rl time with family. If you want an alliance that lets you balance life with competitive but fun gameplay then come and check us out!
Just bumping this into the New Year with style and panache.
Well, with 20 characters of come join us!
Hi there!
Come visit us.
We have snacks, 12* titans (up to 13* rare) - we finish in top 1k of events when full, or nearly full, and take a fairly relaxed approach to the whole thing.
We’ll be starting a new war chest (Hopefully) after the weekend so next week would be perfect.
Discord and Line available but not mandatory. Reply here if interested!
Still spaces in TBD! Everything JaR82 said above and, as a bonus, we’re really friendly!
Now looking for 6 as a couple have let us due to RL. Come pop in and say hi!
We’re at 23 at the moment, come and check us out!
We’ll have a new war chest starting after the midweek war.
Spaces still available in TBD. Do you enjoy war and killing titans? Nice, friendly team mates in a relaxed atmosphere? Being competitive without the game ruling your life? If you answer yes to those questions, come and check us out! We’d love to meet you
20 characters of bumping. If you have a small alliance (10ish) and fancy a merge we’d also be up for a chat.
Good luck in war, see you on the other side!
Thanks @Draerius , same to you. I was going to edit the banner at kick off but you’ve beaten me to it!
It’s nice to be against someone I recognise.
Im not looking for a new alliance but have enjoyed reading your posts. You all seem like a very friendly active group
For that i dont mind bumping your ad
Thanks @Reno1 - we do our best, like everyone here! Much appreciated.
Still some spaces in TBD. If you’re looking for good game/ life balance and a friendly group of people to spend time with, come and say hi!
What’s that? It’s a fist…bump.
Had a couple of wonderful new members and finished 1047 in MT even at 24 and not really trying. See. Casually competitive. No stress, no duress come and join us if you want a new nest.
(It’s late, I’m tired)
Looking for some Monster Island people? Looking for a new home? Fancy travelling? Come on over and test the waters.
We’ve just claimed a new war chest so come on over after monster island and say hello. It’s at 0. Nice and fresh. Hope the hordes are treating you well.
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