Talent grid help

Is there anywhere that a person can run a heroes talent grid to help decide which way to go? I’ve been using “Legends of space” but there are a couple heroes I have gotten that are not on legend of space yet. Is there a more up to date website. I love legends of space, but at this time I have 2 heroes not on legend yet and need to figure out the path I want to take. Thanks for the help.

If you go directly to the thread for the hero, you’re looking for help with sometimes you can find help there or you can ask for help from members here…but you’ll need to share the heros names your asking about.


Nothing personal against all other players in this game, but I would rather make up my own mind with my heroes. I am the only one that knows what my team needs. The only way I can do that is to have the ability to try all possibilities on the talent grid. There have been several that I have used but they all just dissolved. I believe one still exist but changed to Android only and I run IOS (Apple). The main hero I am looking to do is Salniss along with a couple others.

I doubt that you can find such apps. SG releases new heroes in like every 2 days. Collecting new heroes have become very expensive nowadays, let alone to analyze, compile & update them in a free apps. Even the most hardworking whales would find it tiring.

I think you’ll have better luck in knowing which path to go if you go to the hero’s thread itself.


Well I was just hoping there was one. The two I have used apparently just aren’t updated anymore. Thanks for the answers that I was given. I have used the hero thread but a few time I followed its path I wished I went another way. Most of the time I’m happy I followed its path. I just like to choose for myself. Thanks again.

Hey there, I run the website for Legends of Space and admittedly have been slacking with adding heroes, but you can help by adding heroes yourself by going to Add Hero | Legends of Space, I review them and then publish them if it all looks good.

I do have a backlog of heroes I intend to add, I just haven’t had the time lately. Hopefully I’ll get around to it soon :sweat_smile: