🐼 Sun Shangxiang – 4* Fire / Red from War of the Three Kingdoms

The OP now shows the stats after the May balance update.


I do not understand why those values appear if they are not those of the heroes these values resemble a hero of 3 * is it an error?

They just changed the volume at which they scale up to the maxed stats that you see at the top. Previously it was felt that they didn’t scale up enough I assume.

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The family bonus related balance update is adjusted in the OP.

Scored a copy now to slowly level she wont stack with other standard def downs so may replace Saoirse in my titan team. As she will alow a slightly larger def down.

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Just make sure you don’t fire her every time her mana bar is full, otherwise, youre going to be constantly resetting the defense down and not maximizing the damage.


And always use some off color stones to get the def down to maximum before using a big cascade (against titans)


The OP is adjusted with the family bonus changes.

Still a glass cannon, but with the attack up, a pretty deadly one

With a level 17 mana troop


Having the second costume of Colen, is Sun Shangxiang even relevant? Why would you consider double limit breaking Sun Shangxiang rather than a second Colen (x2 costume)?

Coz they are not the same. One is DD the other is EDD. They work great together.


Coz they are not the same. One is DD the other is EDD. They work great together.

Well yes, but then there’s Wilbur, who we all use during Events and who already does Def Down - so at least for Events, I just don’t see the use for Sun Shang - am I wrong? At that, two second-costumed Colens (under Wilbur and Buster) - will surely wreak havoc.
For Titans, there are 5* Def Down alternatives, so no use for Sun Shang there either.
Looks like some types of Tourneys (no blue, for instance) and Three Kingdom Wars - could be her sweet spot, but would it really make sense levelling, spending emblems and limit breaking her just for such occasional use?
I have around 230 fully levelled heroes, incl. a decent number of 5*, so my goal is to level more heroes only when I will actually use them, not for collection purposes. Given this context - any advice on levelling Sun Shang - would be greatly appreciated =)

If you do not have a spot for her, you can feed her. There is not special use case if you already have an offense team setup. To me she has one of the highest DD for a 4 star with conditions. If you use Wilbur regularly she isnt going to fill in your team.
I prefer to use her than Wilbur as I don’t like shared damage and I use her with Colen. I dont mono .


Colen is also slow, vs. Sun Shangxiang at average.

Wilbur stays at 44% def down and has to share damage across all enemies. Sun Shangxiang starts at 44% and goes up with every time the enemy gets hit. That alone is enough for me to use her titans. I also like her boost on W3K, and I’ve started using her instead of Gormek for def down in four-star raid tournaments. I’m quite pleased with the resources I spent to emblem and LB her. Not sure how she fits on a whale roster, but she’s welcome on this FTP roster.


I use the double limit broken Sun Shangxiang on titans, on raids, on map stages, almost everywhere.
That defense down goes all the way to -68%. There is no one else who does that except for Alasie, or is that Athena?

Pair her with G. Falcon or costume Marjana for the elemental defense down and any red sniper and it’s game over for most defenses.

I have Wilbur, and he is limit broken, but he won’t get the aethers for the second limit break.

Her skill is all about that massive defense down.
I have seen what she does against titans, including Mythic titans. Wilbur doesn’t come close.


I uae her for the defense down and Wilbur permanently sits on the titan team in his costume… partly because I’m lazy


Normal Wilbur and Sun Shangxiang cancel each other out. Costume Wilbur does not. His attack up works very well with her.
His costume is one I’d love to have, but for now I have to use Sergei.


This 100%. I used to use a fast Eichbelborg for my titan DD and Sun has been a noticeable improvement. Plus Sun will be huge for the Epic challenge events.


Red team for green titans: C.Wilbur+20, LB.C.Marj+20, LB2.Sun+20, LB2.Buster+20, Hathor+20

My red:

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