2 LEGIT 2 QUIT is becoming a force to be reckoned with. 12 of us are so tough we are now fighting 7* titans. Think what we can do with you on the team!! Join us!
Line ID: sweet_toof
We just started a training alliance. Want to consider joining? Chance to grow with us and be part of a higher alliance when the time comes.
We’re not newbies. 12 of us are hitting 7* titans without mercs
Okay. Wasn’t intended as an insult. We’re on 10*. Thought this would be a way to combine forces. Good luck on recruiting.
I was not insulted or offended by your offer. You advertised as a training alliance. Our top player has been ranked number one several times. I thought it not the right fit for us… we’re not looking to train. I appreciate the offer. Thank you for well wishes. We have merged with a team that matches ranks with us in tp and cups.
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