Spooky Forest Run Offer Worth it?

Is there a “Master thread” for discussing in-game offers? Please feel free to move this there, or maybe starting one for discussion could be nice.

Today I am getting a Spooky Forest Run offer, which is 5.5€ for 600 gems + 1 EHT + 3 Turtle Banners(who cares?)
So approximately 900 gems for 5.5€, is this a good deal compared to similar offers? Any other one’s suggested waiting for?
I’m mostly interested in getting gem deals, and unfarmable ascension mats if possible, but I can’t see myself paying 20€ for a single offer

The best gem returns are about 0.5 cent per gem (Challenge event 200 gems for $1, Atlantis 400 gems + 25 coins for a little over $2.)

(Barring a “Welcome Back” offer, or similar.)

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There will be a series of offers during the Halloween event, a new one each day which often include assention materials. Which ones will be offered and for how much is less definable (by me at least)


I would not value a epic hero token 300 gems. Normally I only do 10 pulls so only: 260. Plus even that is to high as it is limit use. I save them for events and Hotm so I only value them 150 gems personally during offers. But If you normally do seasonal/epic summons with gems this value can be higher.

The first small offer is fine for players who buy some deals. Not as good as Atlantis or the event one but ok value especially if your focus is on summoning new heroes and not ascension materials.

The 2. And 3. Get way worse and should only be bought be high spenders. There will probably be better offers during the Halloween calendar.


I think the 2nd and 3rd offer are only there to make the 1st one look more enticing.

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the 3rd offer is for people who want to level their 5* quickly. How do you think those level 40s have 20 fully ascended 5*?