Soul exchange, sacrificial lamb

Domitia bit the dust. Thank you for your help!
Okay, finally settled on my pick, but it means stretching my feeders. I already have one picked out but need reassurance lol Which of these Non-S1 heroes would you send to slaughter? TIA :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::kissing_heart:
Edit: the other 19 are dupes or S1 vanilla

  • C Rana
  • C Domitia
  • Noor
  • Aegir
  • Other (please post)

0 voters

I view costumed S1 as non S1 so I’d go C-Dom.

Not sure if you’ve already counted her towards the 19.

If so, my vote is for C-Rana since it’s a strong element for you. :wink:

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Of the non S1?


If your pick is BK, I’d make Aegir a relative priority - they’re superb together (ie: DON’T feed Aegir if you’re pulling BK!)

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Dang it, that’s exactly who I was going to feed :rofl:

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I’d feed Aegir or Noor. If both suit your team then Rana.

Second Iris 20 chars

Already on the chopping block. I’m throwing in all HotM dupes and non-costumed S1s which leaves me one short.

I had not, because my purple line up is so lacking. Second vote for Rana then :smile:

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I voted Domitia. you’ll keep the costume, another copy of the hero will probably show up again from somewhere.

In case it helps, these are @Chenowyn mats as of one day ago. Emblems can also be viewed by clicking through above. :wink:

Good point! I hadn’t thought of that. And my lack of mats for purple means she wouldn’t get love any time soon regardless.

Also I fully intend to pull this month’s Hotm who is purple so there’s that too.


Only really relevant if you’ve picked BK

The combination of spirit link and beserk is incredible even with Wilbur, but throw in the healing from tile damage amplified by beserk and they’re an incredible pairing.

If you’re going Momma North or Lord Loki, it’s not as big a deal (although I still think Aegir is a better hero than Noor regardless).

There’s a good argument for Domitia for sure

Silvaria ought to be a consideration too.

Personally I’d be chucking Noor in, but that’s me.

Another thing in favour of C-Dom is that she’ll be the “easiest” to get back in case of any regret.

As @Sam-I-Am pointed out, you’ll still have the costume for Dom (since the last copy of any costume cannot be fed away). :wink:


I was going for BK. My red and purples are not exactly hopping while I’m saturated in Green and Yellow and okay in Blue.


 Silvaria is the other I doubt you’d ever miss, if you’re looking to keep Noor purely because you’re shallow in red.

I’d definitely chuck Silvaria before any of your yellows.

The collector in me cringes at that suggestion :joy:

 She’s not very good :joy:

And the collector in you will cringe at feeding almost anything.

Touche, you got me there :rofl: We’re only even having this conversation because I pulled my 5th Kara this morning and need to clear up roster space. :laughing:

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TBF, BK is a proper top drawer hero, will definitely make a big difference for you
 So good on Kara for making it happen :beers::beers: