Based on the hero list I want 15 heroes to trade in for Ludwig… problem is I have 12. I would love to get rid of a green but due to a tonic shortage I am not considering that in case a costume shows up. Purple tabards aren’t as bad so I could do Sartana but I have an excess of rings and scopes so I really don’t need to consider her.
Hero plan for reference (really just missing Toto from Pets, whom I cannot max due to tonics):
Mats (important cause red and blue can be replaced if I land a costume):
I get the Sartana idea, if I pull a purple in SE I’m at 4 tabards and then a similar what if costume shows up in HA or something? That’s really the only reason I left her off.
True she would likely sit around, Dom mostly sits as is due to the heavy purple tank meta… my goto lately for purple attackers has been grimble with arfanias and lepiota. Of course targeting a minion tank like Hulda, Bera, Freya… if equalizer I drop lepiota for Seshat.
I will probably never get Rana back if I sacrifice her, but can re ascend any s1 given time between tc20s and ha10 rerolls (perhaps mats depending on what else shows up)… Plus if I pull the costume that means I got the base hero again with it. I’m more out the time and mats to level the base again.
Although Rana isn’t that good, she also has a costume so i doubt base will get buffed.
I get less worried about mats because those all come eventually. I also would stick to S1’s as they are inevitability for replacement should you want to.
I am wondering why base Kadilen and Elkanen aren’t on the list.
I think Azlar because you have lots of faster red multi enemy hitters. The only reason I see him being leveled it a costume, but then you get the base version again.
Sartana because you have so many purple single target hitters that do it better than her. Again, only use is costume again.
Elkanen. He doesn’t offer much in base form with your other greens. Isarnia can drop D, which has depth value. Base Elkanen’s hit is weak, self heal irrelevant on a weak hit.
An alternate would be base Kadilen unless you really like her. Some people love her, she never did it for me though.
The only reason they are not listed is the mat quantity, I am in a tonic deficit needing 3 to complete Toto but they are certainly just idle bystanders! So while Elk was my first green 5* he just doesnt cut it anymore, never go into Kadilen by the time I maxed her she didn’t provide enough support and never really fit into team builds at that point.
Kadilen and Sartana were literally wasted mats at the time they were ascended because nothing to do and no SE existed at that point.
See base Kadilen and base Elkanen offer the least benefit if you don’t have emblems.
The only way to get the costumes, which are admittedly good, is an every other month event or a rare HA10 summon. I think by the time any of those happen you could be at 6 by the time you get the new version leveled.
Then I would like who fills a value if they use them in base form maxed for Wo3K, color quest, or some other deep event. When considering that I think those two offer you virtually nothing.
After those two it is a bit of a toss up with Azlar and Sartana. Sartana is usable, but you just have SO many snipers in purple already. Another may be useful though. Azlar is a bit more redundant since you have so many good, and faster, multi enemy hitters in red. His perk is a high A value for tile damage.
I see Richard filling a better role because he is durable and you lack some multi enemy hitting power.
Again, just me. I hope you get your Ludwig though in a way that works for you!
I actually feel like my blues are one of my best multi hitter teams haha, Skadi and Morel make a great combo fighting a minion based team… have Vela if I need more AOE but usually opt for more utility over her (often Sonya to clear taunts, Krampus to taunt and ward off heavy AOE).
But yeah elemental quest depth is a good point too, I think I am pretty solid in any color… green I am really heavy so having something gone there isn’t that big of a deal. Plus adding a purple feels easier to get rid of another purple (like Sartana). So maybe I should have had all of those in the poll for Sartana, Elk, Kad, and Lianna /shrug. Not like we are dealing with a gap getting to 20 souls at least!
Your blues aren’t bad by any means. I guess I saw Morel and Vela and considered Skadi a minion specialist, but after reading her card I was wrong in that. I don’t have a ton of familiarity with her since I don’t have her and I also don’t have good minion makers so if she fires on D it’s not that big a deal.
In that case if Richard is more redundant then by all means. You know how you use your heroes better than anyone else.
I would hold on to Lianna. Fast hitter with good damage and a high A value even just base.
My three would be Elk, Kad, then a toss up between Sartana, Azlar, Richard. I would like pick Azlar, but there isn’t a wrong choice or anything.
I agree with @Muchacho 's reasoning, it does not matter if you have a tonic deficit @Draerius , you won’t get those tonics back from Elky and Kadi anyway
Don’t do it, don’t feed a a full leveled hero for soul Exchange. Thats nuts in my opinion.
Keep patience and wait for the next SE, where you have enough unleveled 5 star heros.
I used in the last SE two heros at 3/70 and I regret it