My yellow squad lacks a heavy hitter, and I do not have any revivers, while also lacking green heroes. Therefore, I am considering Anne+North Mother as my target for this time’s Elemental Summon and Portal Summon.
Is the cost of 20 heroes too high? Or should I seek 15 heroes for exchange? Dabria and Ekanite can be obtained at a lower cost, should I choose them?
I have all of Domitia’s costumes and Sergei, should I no longer consider Guardian Panther in Portal Summon?
Only you can answer that. Do you think 20 heroes is too high for a fast heavy hitting yellow hero who could possibly do more if timed right and has the potential to hit every enemy?
See above. Both questions are very subjective
You can’t take them both and they are very different heroes to what you say you required
I wouldn’t say not to consider G. Panther at all but they certainly are not a priority for you right now
Have a look at your 4* mats situation, your emblems situation and LB mats situation. How far would you want to max them? LB1? LB2? Could you do it now or would you have to wait? Are you happy to wait if needed? Answer those questions to yourself and you may find the answer to your main question pops out as obvious to you.
Compared to 15 heroes, if I want to get Anne, I have to sacrifice my 4/80 Khagan and 4/40 Frigg.
I lack green heroes, and I also lack any revivers, so Dabria or Ekanite are also my targets. I want to know who would be better for my team, Anne or them.
Xiaotu and Bubbles are great too, but I have more blue and red heroes, so there seem to be better choices there.
4*mats and emblems are not a big issue for me; I lack Alpha Ether, so I may need to maintain level 85 for a while.