I’m kinda stuck… I only have 10 “free” 5* heroes to sacrifice for the Soul Exchange. I’d have to dig into some semi and fully leveled 5*s to get to 15. I don’t think I have enough to get to 20.
So with the 5 star heroes I have below, what would you do with the understanding that I’m usually a mono colored team and I’m FTP:
Odin – my yellow team is terrible and it only costs 10 5*s, so…
Dabria – my yellow team is still terrible, and this is definitely better, but it’ll hit me for 15… that’s gonna be painful.
Xiaotu – arguably the best of the 15* row and will DEFINITELY improve my Fire/Red team… but again, I’ll have to sacrifice some I’d rather not
Cinnamon – I generally like my blue team already, but again, this is a significant upgrade
Ekanite – I also generally like my green team. However, this would also be an upgrade to my green team.
These are the 5*s that I’m all good to sacrifice:
Seshat - ascension 1
Quintus - ascension 1
Sartana - ascension 1
Obakan - ascension 1
Vivica - ascension 1
Vivica - ascension 3
Thorne - ascension 1
Kadilen - ascension 1
Elkanen - ascension 1
Marjana - ascension 1
These are the ones that I’d be “ok” to sacrifice – any of these you WOULDN’T sacrifice:
Because you have less yellow than any other color, I am leaning yellow as well, but seeing that many of your yellow are offensive, you may want to pick Debria. You also have a very underwhelming blue selection, something you made mention of as well, so cinnamon, who also has EDD, could come in handy. Your greens are stable enough that Ekanite wouldn’t really add anything to the mix. Your reds are the most impressive and Xiaotu would be well worth the investment, but it would be at the expense of losing coverage in your other elements. Honestly, this is a tough choice. Not gonna lie.
Personally, I’d go with either Dabria or Cinnamon if I were in your shoes.
I don´t think you would improve your roster much by sacrificing fully leveled 5 star heroes. You have so few of them that I am pretty sure they all see play time. Since you can´t make 15 souls without that you are stuck at the 10 soul limit.
I really like SnowWhite costume, but at slow speed she´s really a rush specialist and I don´t think specialists are what you need for your roster. The only other viable option is Odin and he´s a defense specialist, so again, not really what you need. In your case I would wait for next SE. If you don´t want to wait, pick one of those 2 or go for CFrancine, she would at least fit well with your Evelyn., You got 2 fast hit-3 and you have dispel and cleanse (kinda) on your offense stack.
That´s a matter of perspective. The next one will be most likely better, if you mean newer heroes, on avg they should be 3 month newer just to stay the same relative to where the game is. Well really it might be moving faster as power creep is much faster now than it was when these heroes were released, so if they offered heroes that are 6 months newer than the current selection they would probably still be farther behind the current game then. So in a way it´s nearly guaranteed to get better.
Anyway I think that SG benefits from somewhat stronger SE choices as the whole hullaballoo get´s much bigger and since none of the heroes will ever be close to the current meta SG doesn´t loose much by having slightly better options in there. In the past some of the SE selections were rather weak and largely ignored which is a missed propaganda opportunity for SG.
I’d waited too. This time hero choice is great, but to get some heroes that were recommend he have to feed away some max 5*. And most likely next SE he will skip it because not enough hero to trade.
I’d rather skip this time, and collect maybe 15 or 20 heroes to trade next round.
Another recommendation for wait. I would suggest using keys and gems in the costume portal. If you get a costume for a fully leveled S1, you will have an easier time just leveling the costume and you can save the dupe for a future SE.
I think you can easily afford to get rid of the additional 5 5*. For one thing, you can get these heroes again and again and you will. Most likely you’ll take the very same heroes to SE over and over again - if you use TC20 and HA10. And this is really the best SE so far. I’d go with Xiaotu, but there are good videos on You Tube like the one by McNaulty.
I understand this one is great (i myself changed Cupido ). Just wish that the OP user will not regret what he/she chose to do this time round. Xiaotu is definitely worth the exchange. I am just not sure how fast and often he/she will acquire an unused 5* but just imagine if he/she this time round already has to sacrifice 5 semi/fully levelled heroes then when it comes to the next SE in months’ time to come, does he/she needs to sacrifice another 10? I mean, I am not arguing and i have no rights to say right or wrong… Just something to consider and think about.