Sludgus - 5* Holy / Yellow - Slime hero from Super Elemental Summon

If you wish, then here is a Balance discussion topic for it:


I’ve seen this but it’s only to do with accuracy and dodge being separate things and that’s correct.

But we are saying that Elves offensive attacks can’t be dodged as they never miss and there is no video evidence of Elf attack being dodged. I’ve tested it myself and can say that never seen this happened. Is there anyone thay can give some more insight with supporting evidence?

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I’ll just bring my team of 5 Lemonwoods. I don’t see the problem here.

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Did a ten pull so I could come and wave this monster in people’s faces and instead I got this mess

Karma… :rofl:

Dolrak makes me feel queasy


Bro, wdym???

You got a 3* yellow rare trainer hero, that’s the most OP yellow in the game, makes this one look crap!

Not just once, but twice!

Oh, look! 4* Trainer, even better - that’s like a dragon.

i dont say maybe im wrong and maybe really is some talent skill activation only and as ni lot ot didgers lately don’t saying im 100% its like that

I don’t wanna read any of the above comments but this hero makes me wanna quit this game… so OP… maybe that 1600 damage on dodge should only be on the caster…


I just fed all of those other than the 4* hero to Bane. Cluttering up my roster.

Preposterous, outrageous, despicable!

What a waste of amazing heroes.

This is absolutely bonkers

Just try to put another dance on her when her special is active :rofl:

In case you mean me. I have 5 Facebook accounts, none are still in usage. You guys are like little children screaming cause an adult took your candy.

the whales ruined the game cry Now And where is the rogue world to blend in they are gone like in real life everything is money

I see that team of choice against team with this thing will be Starwalker, Starlass, Hammerclang, C-Diaochan and Vanya or something. Duh. Though SGG will probably buff him for his dodges to apply to regular tiles/slashes as well afterwards.

When I read your comment, I laughed so hard that I spit coffee all over my keyboard … and I wasn’t even drinking any!! :rofl: :rofl:

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Just saw him on defense. Forget about bringing hit three or more heros against this trash. Two dodges and your hero is done.

@devs WTF???


@Petri Enough.

This is not going to sustain, pass this onto the project lead - this isn’t just about this hero now, you need to sort your entire game out, you need to make it sustainable again, you’ve blown it and you know it, now you’re just riding the wave and you do not have to, release a rebalance update affecting everyone and everything, it is the only way to correct the course of the game before you demolish it entirely, you literally can not keep doing this - in no universe will it work out for you in the end.



Come one guys. Relax its just a game

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I was teetering on the fence. After 7 years and at least $8,000-$10,000 this hero puts me at f2p. I’m opting out of wars going forward. I will pass on all 5 star tournaments. I will reroll any team with this hero while raiding. I’ll get bored and find something else. This is no longer the game I fell in love playing.