Sludgus - 5* Holy / Yellow - Slime hero from Super Elemental Summon

Anyway, it really doesn’t matter, does it?

She is of the highest council of OP and needs a nerf ASAP, that’s all there is to it, book closed.

Hopefully, @PlayForFun can publish that balance discussion and we can have a look at those juicy polls.

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I love this place. Sometimes.

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Wrong user, it was quite clear who it was regarding

While the hero is overpowered, the majority of comments in here are flat out disgusting. The minute a mobile game removes all decency you have with other members, is when you should really question yourself.

And posting someone’s personal information should be an IMMEDIATE ban from the forum. Something that cruel and thoughtless should be dealt with in a quick manner. We have wonderful mods here, but something like that should be discussed with the game that runs this forum. Truly, I’m appalled.


Just tested her dodge against Elves and they never miss. So Elf attacks can’t be dodged at all.

This makes her not as OP as we thought as there are plenty of heroes that she’ll be useless against.


Still as OP, not everyone has elf heroes and they can’t single-handedly kill her at all.

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This is a hot ticket today. For what’s is worth the few people who actually bother to comment in beta. All agreed this hero was OP. So they go ahead and add immediate heal and drop the dodge by 5%. It’s actually kind of funny to me. Stupid, but can’t help but laugh at this point.


Literally, this play is a circus lmfao

True but at least her dodge won’t do any damage to cards that never miss.

Which is not many at all, it really doesn’t matter - read my breakdown of her stupidness above, even if you deal damage to her… BOOM mega minion, 50% health which will give her time to heal everyone for 50% and then BOOM another mega minion!

It’s broken. No matter what or who you take against her.

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Unless it was a bug that’s been fixed, I have personally watched my elves be dodged.

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dodge special skill is not missed so not bug

astral elfs cannot miss but heroes with dodge can dodge it ,they didn’t make them miss

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I’m pretty sure the elves can’t be dodged. I just did some tests against C2 Kadilen (40% dodge) and all 25 hits hit the target. 25 is small number for statistics but at least 1 attack should have been dodged at this point.
I also never seen my elves get dodged by buff or class talent.

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I think it was evade rather than dodge. Talents can still evade damage, that’s it.

But there’s no video or proof of Elves being dodged.


Arrived immediately :joy::+1:


Is there any evidence of this?

Elves can’t be dodged, if there is anyone that can prove otherwise, I’m all ears :slightly_smiling_face:

He should fit in well in this defense :joy::+1:


from another forum discussion ,

Just remember, whales wanted this, the endlessly chasing power rush, gifting money to this greedy company, and this is what you get, every time.

Enter the era in EnP where a healer will kill you faster than an attacking special skill :rofl::rofl:

Hope we get more of these OP heros, otherwise the game will be boring! :rofl::rofl::popcorn::popcorn:


Can we keep to the topic folks.

Will be editing this all at somepoint so don’t give me extra stuff to do.

Your welcome :green_heart:

Yup slow mode by moi …

Your welcome :green_heart: