Sludgus - 5* Holy / Yellow - Slime hero from Super Elemental Summon

Pixie can take her down :slightly_smiling_face:

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Grandpa, you get flagged for a reason. You are the biggest troll on this forum. Constantly violating forum rules, insulting players (you and a couple more), spreading fake news and accusations, inapproriate behaviour in a public forum. Just today you did a thing you should be banned from here. I am surprised a man at your age can act like that on public having no shameā€¦

Sorry off-topic. I just donā€™t like trolls, they need to be reminded that this is public zone and we donā€™t have to bear that BS behaviour.


Welcome to the party. I turned level 100 2 weeks back. I decided to move out of the top 50 alliance. I stopped pulling anything and everything even from tokens and free coins. I moved to my old alliance who are ftp.
I cup dropped to 2900. The game is so beautiful all of a sudden. No mad raids no monotonous wars no chasing any new pixels. I even got rid of a bunch of unwanted temptations this se and decided enough is enough.
There are more insane cards being developed which is going to make the game horrible and then there is dragons.


Whats funny to me about this hero, is that this morning when Super Elemental portal opened, i barely even scanned this hero. I was using 1000 elemental coins with the slim hope of getting the HotM.

Got her on my second pull and was happy with that. Burnt the rest of the coins quite content as all 3 star dupes appeared because it already felt like a win :rofl:


What did he say seeing as it was a reply to me?

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nerf her pls, shes insane with this damage and heal, one dodge and your team almost dead


Zynga HQ now:

Petri and other employes: Boss, Devs, wake up!!! Players are super angry because of Sludā€¦

Zynga: How are the sales?

Petri/Employes: Sorry???

Zynga: Are they summoning? Are they buying offers??

P/E: Yes but they are not happā€¦

Z: Yes is enough. Feature the slug in Covenant portal and prepare the nerf discourse. Nerf it one day after. Tell them WE COULD NOT TELL THAT HERO WOULD BE SO STRONG and say sorry.

P/E: What about the complainā€¦

Z: Also, prepare to release that one hero that deals 700% damage to all at very fast and increase their stats on 30% and donā€™t forget the 3rd limit break. Give them one flask as sorry and open Goblin Village once again because the coin pigs always spend there. You may go now.

P/E: ~ turns around and start writing October balance update


LoL love it all. The real problem is obviously this family was supposed to have its own event and portal. And itā€™s in a super elemental portal! WTF is going on? Maybe AI took over SG. This is what the future looks like friends.

Nope, the dance removes all status effects first. You need changā€™e or daemon to do it

Im just waiting for the whale fight where they got two or more of these things in the defenseā€¦ that will be an impossible task to achieve a victory within time limits as your basically forced down a route of tile killing.

Oh and that time will come soon enough in Rush war where someone has this and Kalo. Kill Sludge, fight Sludge special again on Kalo cast. I predict these teams will make it nearly impossible to reset a an enemy battlefield.

Thanks SG. Thanks a lot.


Cleopatra Grazul etc stops Christine Dae so theoretically it is the same thing. They can overwrite Gazelle as it is a dance.

You have got to be bloody kidding me. 1600 on dodge? Sniper protection with a mega minion? Iā€™m not the only one saying this, this type of hero is reason to quit the game.


I pulled one, was happy, had 1000gems left, and decide to get feeders for Sludgus ā€¦ pulled a duplicate! wheeeeeeee :slight_smile:

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I was exactly the same, with 6 pulls. Just Hoping for HOTM, maybe getting lucky and getting someone useful. Iā€™m hoping Sludgie turns out to be useful :smiling_face:

This guy is apparently a retired cop

They dont nerf anymore

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You asked whos flagging your comments
I replied to you it is prospero
But i made it a bit sarcastic about him
He flagged my comment

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Can block it .note Norman not dancing.


It seems like thereā€™s a lot of tension here, which is a bit absurd. On a different note, letā€™s discuss the new honey-colored hero. Itā€™s amazing with its passive, but as mentioned earlier, it doesnā€™t dodge, which adds to the challenge. I look forward to facing it in raids! For those who got this hero, train it quicklyā€”Iā€™m coming for you! If you didnā€™t get it, just wait for the Covenant summon; itā€™ll be available soon.

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Thatā€™s interesting, instead of other dancing type specials where they remove all buffs and ailments, you can block it with a no buff ailment. That adds another way to counter it.

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