Sludgus - 5* Holy / Yellow - Slime hero from Super Elemental Summon

This would be more fitting name for sure :laughing:. You can use Xie, but all she can do when the dance is active is poisoning the slime. Dance blocks other effects like poison for example.

The best way to fight her is to use buff blocker before she fires. If she already used her speciall you need to wait, or have elves in your team (or other direct hitters who never miss)

Taunt/riposte should be usable against her. You can wait and take hits on taunter, or let enemies kill themselves on riposte without risking 1600 damage.

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I tell you what the best way to fight this hero is, uninstalling the damn game at this point.


Although the elves xan be dodged, which still doesnā€™t make sense to me.


Seem like Elf can also be dodged (always-hit and dodge is a different mechanic)

Probably their same spaghetti code that allows certain heroes to still trigger the DD damage for Starwalker, Pepperflame, etc with the more special ways of applying the same ailment.

Loki, welcome back to the dancefloorā€¦


Ok so i just quoted you from somewhere elsen :smiley:

Heā€™ll be dead before you can fire.

How so? Same speed.

I spend most PvP wishing for decent boards anyway. Nothing has changed in that respect :rofl:

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Teams with this thing on it will fire when half a tile hits them :joy:

Loki has always had bad stats, even with costume which is unfortunate - you really would have to pray for the best board and that the tiles donā€™t land on anyone who can screw you over, which will probably be most unless itā€™s just someone lucky to land her.

Or you could just kill the other dancers with tiles first :person_shrugging:t4:

Depends on the team , doesnā€™t it? My point is most people who have her will probably already have an OP team.

I use a 1LB Loki without costume in War and Raids. Sometimes he gets one-shot, sometimes he doesnt.

This one is stupid, for sure, but so many heroes over the last year or two have been ridiculous at the time of release. There are a growing list of heroes I still have to avoid if I want to win.

This one can get on the list with them.

Thankfully im not in a top 100 alliance where this one will be ubiquitous.


But thereā€™s a difference between those and this one, the new ninjas were also dumb OP they just released - this one sprints past that line.

Heals 50%, summons a mega minion when she takes 25% damage, giving her 50% of her health back in time to heal everyone again for 50%, back to square one!

Meanwhile, now everyone can dodge your specials, and when they do you die - pretty much instantly as thereā€™s no way you havenā€™t already set someone elseā€™s special off dealing damage to you.

IF you somehow defeat her, now nearby also have 50% more health!

Healing at the end of the dance is just a cherry on top of the cake.

Cleric class so you will probably fail to prevent it.

Regen 2LB on top of mega minions and 50% healingā€¦

You canā€™t dispel it, itā€™s madness.

Even if she healed for 25%, dodge was 1000 damage, minions changed to normal minions with 25% HP, sheā€™d still be stupid.

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The funniest thing here is that Samantha7 - who just got Sludgus - is the only one who thinks that Sludgus is not an OP hero :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
What is he doing this for? So that his Sludgus doesnā€™t get nerfed? LOL.


Whoever is flagging my comments, get a life.

Iā€™ll put this one back up without the slur as it needs to be seen:

How dare you @Samantha7 get help ASAP you hypocrite, this whole thing started because you couldnā€™t accept our opinions!

And then after that, you were literally fighting everyone elseā€™s opinion too and asking what was wrong with them!

You are honestly unbelievable.

I dont see Samantha ā€œfightingā€ opinions, I see her repeating her own. Same as everyone else.

I dont always agree with her, thats fine. I dont agree with anyone here all the time.

The personal attacks up there :arrow_up: are mostly coming from others and the posting of personal info and even searching for someoneā€™s Facebook page is deeply concerning behaviour and there is no excuse for it.


Doxing is simply revealing personal information about someone online without their consent.


Public information, not a dox.

And she was certainly fighting opinions, just go and look.

Completely goes against her ā€œaccept otherā€™s opinions and move onā€

Yeah I did my five pulls - didnā€™t get it! Nerf that madafaka!