Can "never misses" special skills be dodged?

Don´t forget the Rogue evade, that´s another effect that can make heroes not hit their target, so 3 mechanics that lead to the same result. But as always it depends on the wording to know which ones apply and which ones don´t.

“Never miss” supposedly only has to do with the accuracy side of things. So blind and gambling effects. You simply skip the part where you miss. A dodge doesn´t make you miss, it dodges you :smiley:

“Always hit” on the other hand doesn´t care if it´s blind or dodge or whatever. After all the effects are applied, you will still hit the target.

Well and then we can get into the details of dodge itself, because dodge isn´t equal to dodge either, there are at least 3 different kinds of dodge (dodge skill that deal damage, dodge all skills and dodge all attacks), so be careful with that, too.

Evade is a much weaker effect, but still different. The main difference being that it can only evade the damage part of your skill, all other effects will be applied 100% of the time. While dodge effects when triggered will trigger the entire effect (even if the dodge only works on skills that deal damage)