At this point in the game, my entire roster is 4* and a few 5* heroes. Between both I have over 30 heroes and most of them are fully ascended. Just a couple are waiting for ascension mats.
Early on, I fed all my fully ascended 3* heroes to my 4 and 5 star heroes because I didn’t think I would ever need them again. Now I’m realizing they still come in handy for events.
So my question:
Through a bunch of Atlantis pulls, I now have 5 of each color in 3* heroes. I’m thinking about leveling them to try and compete in the 3* tournaments. Is that a waste of time and resources?
The other option is to just feed them all to my 5* heroes to cap them off.
I think, there is no right or wrong answer here. If you want to participate in rare challenging events and 3* tournaments, then go ahead and max some 3* heroes (you’ll probably need at least 3 of each color). If you are Ok playing without them and participate only where 4* or 5* are allowed, then don’t waste your time and resources.
Some time ago I was in the same position: I fed all my 3* to my 4* rainbow team. Then Alliance Wars were introduced and I started maxing 3* with a maximum possible speed to have at least 30 heroes.
If you feel like going all in, I’d say. It all depends on what your goal would be also. Getting to the top in the rare event looks quite boring to me. You have to use tons of energy and try out for the perfect tiles. However the good thing is you can compete with all the end game players even though you may not have insane 5* heroes. I have kept 3 heroes of the following, in case I want to compete in the next event.
Grimm, Valen, Brienne, Gato, Ulmer x1, Bane, Berden and Kailani.
I had the EXACT same question I tossed around my fellow alliance members for a few hours one night and as best we could figure it reallynis up to u but consider the time to get a well rounded group of Rare Heros and then also remember u will b taking time away leveling them up from ur 4* and 5* heros. That ultimately made the decision for me. I just compete on Epic and Legendary. But it’s really gotta b ur call. If I wanna compete in more aspects of the game then that’s awesome! Go for it. I’m just an overwhelmingly pragmatic guy and don’t let my little remark about taking away time from ur epics and legendary heros dissuade u.
No, that’s a really good point. Something I was considering too – how long it’s going to take to go back and build up that roster. It’s a tough call, but with events and raid tournaments now, it’s harder to make the decision. One week the raid tournament could call for 3* heroes only.
The only good thing is fully ascending 3* heroes will happen way faster than 4* and 5*.
That’s why I was so pleased with the advice offered by our co-leader as to the “best” ones to keep. I was feeling overwhelmed and now I just follow that list, keeping 2 max of any of them.
Leveling 3* is really quick (if you are used to 4 and 5* leveling, it doesn’t take alot of time/resources away from bigger projects, so for me its worth it.
I’m working on my 3* bench projects at a low rate by giving them sets of 10 1* of their color when those become available. Mixed 1*/2* feeder groups go to my 4*+ projects.
I think that the rewards for being decent at the 3* raid tourneys make this worthwhile. That said, I have 30 heroes at 3/60 or above, so doing this isn’t hurting my war performance.