Should I ascend C. Vivica over Eloise (and Horus)?

Hi guys! My dilemna is that normally I would choose Eloise (due to her anti-minion utility), but then I won’t have any emblems for her where as I do have emblems for C. Vivica. Also I don’t think she’d get emblems in a long time as I’ll have El Naddaha, Arco and LoLo fighting over wizard emblems and I don’t particularly want to strip Faline, Alfrike, Dark Lord or Milena. I also have Horus sitting at 3/70 and I might be able to get him emblems, but I do think Eloise is a better hero overall.

My question is whether Eloise is still worthy of ascension and sturdy/strong even if unemblemed?

Is C. Vivica still a good healer to ascend, as I don’t have any other 5* star yellow healers other than Delilah at 3/70? My current 5* yellow roster consists of Wolfgang, Faline, Motega, Odin, White Rabbit, Devana, Poseidon and Inari.

Of course there’s also the option to save the darts for another hero that might come along, or maybe even use them on Papyros or Zhuge Liang if they ever get buffed lol.

Will create a poll to make things easier. Thanks in advance for the votes and/or comments!

  • C. Vivica (emblemed)
  • Eloise (unemblemed)
  • Horus (emblemed)
  • Wait for another hero

0 voters

Some great options and I wanted to piggy back off this thread rather than making another if it’s not a problem. Just wanted to know the thoughts of players now that Horus received a buff. I’m torn between Eloise and Horus I know both have completely different purposes but would like to know who would be better to ascend for offensive purposes

Both are solid heroes. I would go Eloise first, because anti minion heroes are still needed.