I was running 2 TC2 and filling them during AR, but found that I wasn’t raising as many heroes anymore, so I took that back to 1xTC2 and 2xTC11 - I autofarm for mostly for Girmore Dust to make tornados, and build them up over time. I find that 10/4H gives that and enuogh to have TC2 built up. I have TC2 about 90 days at this point
This is a good point, that’s a good thing about AR you can adjust your farming to your needs, some people have spoken of crafting, which I don’t do a ton of so I have about 1000 nuggets built up.
Right now I have about 30 4* I’d like to finish that I’ve been storing since I started the game, until now I’ve just done the ones I most wanted to use, but now I’ve set a goal to just get everything finished, or if low on mats get the low priority 4* to 3/60 and the 5* to 3/70
Once I’m here then as new heros come in I can level them or keep one or two TC2 going and bank feeders.
That’s one of the things I love about this game the goals and strategies keep changing as you make progress and set different priorities. It maintains the interest for me.
How long does it take you to use 15 flasks during Atlantis Rises?
This is result of back to back so many new events are released in short period… U might have noticed that in past couple of months yhry are introducing so many new heros events challenges its like loaded with so much… Dont u tjink its be coming too much
No I don’t mind all the new events at all. I’m glad there’s a constant stream of new things it keeps the game fresh and interesting for me.
I guess it seems like a lot for people who were around before season 2 when the pace was glacial, but I joined right as S3 was released so it’s pretty much always been like this for me in terms of new content.
Takes more time - because of more monsters. Its all about efficiency when manual farming.
imho this is the best time to install a new QoL feature.
Get rid of loot tickets. If you passed the level you should able to auto loot it. No tickets required, no auto farming (which feels like it takes too long).
Yes, that’d be great. They won’t do it, though, they sell loot tickets.
I wish they’d sell way more loot tix. Take my money please!
I’ve only gotten through 8/9. Arlett does the 15… allllllllllll day
I think he got mine to almost 15 once.
That’s one weird answer to « they could just allow you to autowin already-done levels for the WE without loot tickets » (and yes, there are games that allow that).
That’s still a lot more than me! @Pandita
Back on topic, this is a good topic. I like that the OP created this thread, looking for input from other people. In other words, instead of complaining*, he looked for a solution/way to handle the new situation.
*I do think it is a very unwelcome schedule change, but there’s nothing we players can do, except try to improve our farming strategy.
Just gonna autoplay regular levels and use loot tickets on hard. AL5 is gonna be maxed out now just so I can keep up with the demand for backpacks. I’ve been farming for backpacks and crude iron.
20 friendly reminder
I use 24-10H for loot tickets as monster count is 1.7 vs. 1.1 for 27-9H, hence better chance of sea dragons I guess.
Marginally less recruits is a bonus so I don’t burn through so much food storing them!
Other resources quite similar
I’ve decided to farm exclusively on hard levels for time and just spend more on refills.
That sounds like a good strategy for you. I’m farming 1-9N for backpacks this Atlantis Rises, simply to keep a tc2 going (only because I had leftover trained heroes).
Thumbs down for being pro-spending
I want to run 3 TC2 to try to get through my backlog of leveling. I spend hours a day on the game and I have zero problem spending on a thing that gives me entertainment so that those of you who don’t contribute can enjoy for free.
Depends how you define free, not watching mystic vision, not spending free time playing this game? Doing Vip and becoming aghast with the Phoenix vip. I was like you, looking down on people who complained about spenders.
You’ve been playing since they introduced S3, lots of people like me have played for a very long time before S3 was introduced and have become increasingly frustrated and disappointed with the way this game has become less of a game, more of a chore and more about the £££
I have spent some money on this game, but I have learned there’s better things in life to spend money on.
I don’t want your topic to go off-piste, so…
Best of luck with the way you play this game