🤖 Shacklebolt – 5* Dark / Purple from Construct family

Why does tank or flank give max benefit?

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He steals 25% mana and distributed it to nearby allies… so if you have him in the corner he only has 1 ally instead of 2 if he is tank or flank

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I found a pretty fun synergy with him on offense. If you place him in the corner, he will only share mana with one other hero so both get tons of mana. Check the picture. Thats the mana he gave himself and he set off Alfrike in 9 tiles.


We were on the same wave length. Lol

The short answer is because only one ally gains the distributed mana rather than two.

But now because you ask…I wonder what the word "distributes" means.

If Shacklebolt hits 3 enemies that all average about 60% mana, then he will harvest 15% mana from all three enemy and give 15% mana to himself and 2 allies.
Harvests: -15% 15% 15% (45% total)
Distributes: 15% 15% 15%

But… with @Glaber set-up, is he “distributing” 22.5% mana to himself and single ally?

Does shacklebolt get the full 45% mana if he has no allies?

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I am going to test that out and see

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Tested, and looks like it’s a set total amount of mana stolen. Then that set amount gets divided by 1, 2, or 3

During the test, the right enemy took three tiles before the special fired.


Yeah. I tested him and I was wrong with my interpretation of the mana distribution

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And this:

Was an excellent question :joy:

I think this hero can be abused on offense, with the right set-up. . .

The problem I had with filling up enemy mana bars on more manageable levels is that if the enemies die during the special, their mana isn’t stolen. You need a baby shacklebolt for that

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This guy wrecked me.

Well I have good news for you,
That problem will alleviate!
as super creep progress.
Before long he will flick like a tick
rather than
"hit like a brick"
And become baby shacklebolt regardless.

Oh wait…
I guess that’s not even news
Let alone good
Well uh,
Congrats on your pull,
This one is a doozy!

for now . . .

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1.So what i understand from the last discussion on this thread, if he is on wings, he and nearby hero gains mana, this means he is more effective? And if so, isn’t better for him to be on left wing, maybe when he fires it’s a possibility to charge the left flank, and he fires as well ?
2. I mainly use Rochefort lb2 as tank ( in wars, not vf) , I’m wondering if is better to use shacklebolt lb1 as tank, any suggestions?

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I stand by what I say, i still love my Shacklebolt and he is not Lb1 yet.
I use him on offense and defense when I am not cup dropping.

On offense I can time him when I want, and what is great is, even if someone with mindless attack gives him mindless attack, when he fires, he also discharges his 100% core so it’s fantastic.

I usually have him between Smarttongue and Darkfeather but I do change it up and put him between others depending if I and going mono or 3/2 for pov/pog challenges, either way I love him and dont regret him

When i put LB2 Shacklebolt as tank on defense, my trophies dropped to 2500. With him as a flank, it went back to 2700 trophies. May have been a bad night, but it was bad lol.

Just waiting for 2 more tabards to max him. After that I’ll try a rush defense center of Shacklebolt-Lady of the Lake-C2 Leonidas (with toon costume stats). Would be pretty annoying I can imagine.

R&N works similar, her special says: “Steals 50% mana from the target and distributes it to allies.”

She steals 50% of the target’s current mana as mana points and distributes them evenly to all of her allies that are alive. If there are less allies alive, each ally will get a bigger chunk of the stolen mana points. If only R&N is alive, she will get all of the stolen mana.
Shacklebolt should work the exact same.

The mana bar on defense is larger than the one on offense, so fully charged targets on the defense team give more mana.

The stolen mana gets rounded down to whole numbers, and again after it gets divided for the even distribution.
Tests for mana stealing: here.


Basically. For attack I now use him at a wing but not for def

Got him.

I have always problem fighting him, dealing damage to 3 then AoE damage from core, and stealing mana. Will max right away.

Also, what the hell is this thing supposed to be?


The face of the tome of Limit break