Elias is rating Shacklebolt repeatedly. He’s pushing back against the current common opinion with replies, and he’s eliciting conversation.
I like him a lot so far, 2LB. He’s tough to fight on defense, but when I put him as tank and bumped Sorrow to flank, my trophies went down by 100. I think he can do better… i just need to learn how
Still trying him on offence. He’s really fun and seems great, but when I rematch teams and swap him out for Aradia, the matches seem to go better.
But he really shines in Wars where he can carry a bad team against another bad team and smash everyone
That’s the thing, sure he’s okay, but there are better, and apparently quite a few better as there are quite a few I can swap in to make a bigger difference on offense - I’d rather take C. Hel for a start.
And the weird thing is, again, for some reason when I raid with him on offense it just doesn’t feel like he does as much damage as he’s supposed to for some reason, full core or not.
do think your shacklebolt might be damaged?
maybe you did get an broken shacklebolt?
c hel better than shacklebol
C Hel is most certainly better on offense, and idk, ask the game - I’ll try him again in a bit and tell you how much damage mine does against enemies with no defense buffs.
You are entitled to your opinion but I when go against this guy he is no joke hit real hard and steal mana but that’s him on defense.things maybe different when using him on offense or maybe it’s the other hero’s they have around him but he is one of those hero I hate to go off cause I know he will slow down my progress and hit real hard
thats not true unfortunately
As I said, he’s good on defense and acts totally differently in my testing, hits harder, and is just more useful with the mana reductions as he fires more often (and charges his core more often too).
@Bandolivin Unfortunately it is very true.
nope - versatile players clearly favor shacklebolt
but we learned that your copy might be damaged so maybe thats the reason you favor c hel
In hero description he’s listed as slow, but he’s average speed
Thx, for reporting it.
I have adjusted the OP to have Average as mana speed too.
some people like C. Hel some like Baldur some like Noor, the point is you can’t argue with a vegetarian about hamburgers
i’ll take Shacklebolt any time of the day
Have fun gaming!
Would you lb2 this hero or Pepperflame?
no. Pepper is much more useful
I plan to put him on defense so embleming for survival seems the “right” way to go, doesn’t hurt to be a bit more robust when attacking either.
I really like his mana steal and he hits hard even without the extra 45 attack stat (I am not sure how much damage I am giving up but if he survives to fire one extra time it will change the battle). I am not worried about him one-shotting anyone, not with legendary troops now widely deployed on defenses.
I do not plan to use him on normal titans, mythic sure and there the extra tile damage could matter…
Strong opinions welcome…
keep in mind that his passive is distructive core and not going full atack talents will afect that. The destructive core is realy nice, it goes off even if it had mindeless or somone has taunt. Also he is very fun to play… with all this new heroes is fun to copy them buffs, as luna or darkfeather.
You go what you think is best, i went full atk beacause of his distructive core
Thank you.
That is where my doubt comes in, the destructive core is fantastic (Brimstone’s is probably the epitome of the best of the best as it fires after the EDD from the fiends, but a “vanilla” destructive core still hits HARD, I have some raid losses to prove it ).
He’s fun during events. He filled up his own mana twice and the flank’s mana three times on the final boss… all on the same turn
He should be a tank or flank for max benefit