Another way would be to add some effect to minions. Either some kind of debuffs inflited when they hit (some non-poison DoT could be nasty, stacking with poison and he becomes interesting Gradual Grinder, or increased damage like Motega has etc.) or some buff they give to their owner (reflect would be nasty here due to their HP). I think Mana reduction on hit would be too much given that LotL has only three weaker minions and is annoying as hell.
As a S5 hero, He is like a boosted S1 hero. At least they could add him hit damage. It could be a nice 3 * hero😏
It needs an improvement, they could simply put on it that once it uses its special ability when dying, everyone loses 100% of mana, so they will have to kill them last and it would be a different hero from all the others.
In a vf war you need to kill Set at some stage. And you don’t get many more than 3 turns after a tank goes off before they are ready to fire their special again. And when you do kill Set within 3 turns you will essentially be standing there naked hoping you can ghost tiles down the middle on your next turn before the rest of the def get you. And then kalo or MN resurrects Set and you get to do it again.
Set may not be better than alfrike or gosseck or Ludwig as a rush tank, but I suspect Set won’t be trivial to deal with. If you don’t have the others it would be a good option.
I think there are defs that you could bring Set against as well in many forms of the game.
Well, you get to choose who to kill though. Just kill the main threats and save Set for last?
Yeah maybe, but so many people will use hit 3 or hit all heroes in offense. And some like to mono. So picking your way around a tank in a war format that is already difficult to carefully pick your way through…… I don’t know, but I am interested to start coming across some to see what it is like
Let’s wait for the buff.
Set is unlikely to dethrone Alfrike, which will be indicated by Zynga/SGG’s metrics soon enough. Judging by previous balance updates for new launches, if Set doesn’t appear to be used “enough” within 30 days of launch, it’s time for a buff.
I vote for the beefy minions to do more than just exist; have their own special.
@Nightmare2048 ’s idea is good. Minions inflict regular ailment poison. That stacks with the 2nd special, as it is.
Or better still… upgrade That 2nd special to poison stacks, max 10 stacks.
Single pulls have always been my thing, but I wish I could have pulled one of the other two featured s5 heroes.
I have a knack for pulling the featured hero that I didn’t really want as well
I use hit-3 to only hit two heroes all the time. Such as fighting Bera
Welcome to the forum @KA5Trator !
The damage over time type damages are calculated from the “attack” property.
As you hero is not fully maxed (despite the fact the special skill is at 8/8) the number is lower for you.
It will reach the number in the OP at 4/80, and it will go further up if you limit break or emblem the hero (and you choose some attack related nodes.).
I’m using him on regular boards and I like him on offense. More often than not, his passive activates, lowering the enemies mana generation on top of instant damage and DoT with minion strikes. I think he is a decent hero overall. Not too overwhelming but not too underwhelming either.
This guy is an AMAZING SUPPORT HERO (against players that don’t have bera, alucard, c-gefjon, grimble, gobbler, c-gormek, gobbler, topaz, eloise, c-skadi, captain of diamonds, devana, noor, etc and more to come in the near future).
He’s basically equivalent to an INCREDIBLE OVERHEALER that does 40% boosted health (against players that don’t have a minion counter).
What makes him even more amazing (against players that aren’t using buff immunizers) is the fact that HE’S BASICALLY EQUIVALENT TO RUBY (if the timing is right and he dies immediately after firing his skill) - I mean, who else can cut 100% mana from all enemies! And if you think this skill is gimmicky and regardless could just dispel it if needed, guess again - it’s UNDISPELLABLE.
Furthermore, something I learned recently from other forum posters is that 70% is basically like 100% - that is, the percent chance his passives SMACK YOU SILLY.
If you’re unimpressed with his “low” DOT, that’s probably because you forgot that it scales with troops/emblems/LB (just don’t get distracted by the heroes that have more impressive pre-scaled DOT skills at faster speed).
But his DOT is basically just a bonus, a cherry on top of his real purpose. The combo of 40% HP overheal with 100% mana cut are UNPARALLELED SKILLS (if you’re ok with the fact that he’s slow and gives opponents ample time to queue up countermeasures).
That is a sarcastic post, right ?!
Thank You!
And with emblems with path to choose? Would HP/attack be the right choice?
Yes, as he has big % HP and attack minions I would prioritize nodes which increase the Health and Attack.
Because your Set is not as good
In all honesty I neglected to read what the card says; it zeroed my mana three times in a roll, which was rather annoying, as Kufu then wiped my entire team given I started mana from “0” again, so yeah, its worth something against people who does not read….like me But now I know better, next time I see him around. It’s really easy to tackle, just read the card first
He’s actually a pretty good tank, I just faced him as tank on regular formation and I lost 3 matches in a row (which is very uncommon for me). He would always fire off before I could kill him and his minions had ~750HP, making it hard to kill him without losing all my mana or letting him fire again. Not to mention he did ~450 DoT to each of my heroes and fired his passive each time. In two matches I actually used a mana controller (Kullervo) to hit him before he goes off, and in another match I used Hypnos to prevent enemy buffs (to avoid the mana consequence from his special), and in all cases he withstood ailments due to his monk talent - call me unlucky but his class definitely benefits him! It’s also worth noting that opinion is purely from my own experience and I don’t raid with mono teams.