My team last time was Hu Tao, Azar, Boldtusk, Karil and Valen.
The big change was the entry of Misandra in my roster so my team this time was:
Hu Tao (3/60) - Azar (2/31) - Boldtusk (4/24) - Misandra (3/12) - Valen (maxed)
I did the first level on auto, and it was easy enough to do the second. Since I recently reached level 30 I thought I would try the third level just for laughs. I got slaughtered by the mobs and did not reach stage 4 out of 5.
Made it to the bosses with everyone ready to go, and two diamonds to boot. I unloaded the specials and popped one of the diamonds. The ensuing cascade proceeded to take out Nashgar and Azlar, and very nearly finished Elena.