Having a bit of trouble in deciding which dark hero I should ascend next. I am confused between Senan and Narcisa. Some other dark heroes fully ascended are Seshat X2, Kage, Aeron, Jabberwock, Hel, Marie Therese.
I am primarily looking for someone I can use for raids and war both defence and offence, also I don’t really have a good dark tank. With that in mind, I am leaning towards Senan. I only have 3 Tabard hence the confusion.
Hi ! Senan is not very good in my opinion. He is slow, his fiends are not very interesting because they don’t inflict any ailment… unless you have some other Slayers already maxed to make him faster, I would ascend Narcisa first.
good evening everyone, tidyup i agree with you, imagine that skilla hel then after 2 turns narcisa does damage and resets hel’s skill, reloads hel again and skilla again after 2 turns narcisa again, it would create a round of a mana blocker which would last much longer than normal, giving your heroes time to skill several times, then take advantage of the enemy, a well-studied tactical hero, good hero senan, does his, with his passive he can reduce the damage inflicted on him by 50 %, and his demons are a headache, I would definitely choose narcisa